Is Purina Dog Food Safe for Dogs?

Explore the safety and nutritional quality of Purina Dog Food in our comprehensive article. We examine ingredient sourcing, manufacturing processes, and recall history, providing a balanced view of this well-known brand. Empower yourself with knowledge and make an informed choice for your furry friend’s diet. Most of us go to the grocery store to purchase …

Dentastix Vs. Greenies: Which Clean Your Dog’s Teeth Better? 

Explore the Dentastix Vs. Greenies debate in our comprehensive comparison article. We dissect ingredient lists, effectiveness, and palatability, helping you make an informed decision for your dog’s dental health. Discover which dental treat will keep your furry friend’s teeth clean and their tail wagging. There’s nothing like a big, smelly dog-breath mouth in your face …

The Best Dog Toys for Aggressive Chewers

There’s nothing better than helping your dog satisfy her instinct to chew, chew, chew. Especially if you give her something safe, tasty, and fun — and something that’s not a treasure your dog dug out of your closet, like a shoe. I’m a firm believer in keeping several chew toys in Eira’s toy box so …

Is Benadryl Safe for Dogs? (Plus Eira’s First-Ever Benadryl Experience)

A few days ago, it was so cold here in Alaska that Eira’s eyelashes, eyebrows, and whiskers frosted over within minutes of being outside to go potty. But today, the temperatures have risen to almost 40 degrees, and it’s windy. Eira has been having bursts of extra face-itchiness and discomfort during windy spells in this …

Why We Love Rachael Ray Dry Dog Food — Yes, the Kibble! 

Rachael Ray is a household name for food — human food, that is. When I first saw that she’s behind a brand of dog food, too, I was intrigued. What made her dog food special? Why should I buy it for Eira, my Alaskan shepherd? At first, I didn’t buy it. Eira seemed happy enough …

Struggling With Dry Skin On Dogs? Try These Products

Guess what temperature it was here in the Anchorage area of Alaska yesterday? 0 degrees Fahrenheit. When I let Eira out in the morning to go potty, the clip on her lead was frozen. I had to rub it between my hands to melt the ice keeping it stuck together. I put water out for …

The Best Large Dog Crate

When I was just ten years old, I begged my parents for a dog. They took a week to think the proposition over and then decided the answer was yes, and a month later, we were headed to an airport in Oregon to pick up Clancy, our sweet German shepherd puppy. I remember riding in …

The Best Puppy Playpen

Last Thanksgiving was a wild one. At only two months old, Eira was an energetic, high-needs puppy and we couldn’t leave her home. We still hadn’t purchased a crate for her and didn’t want to leave her alone in the house. The last time I’d done that, I had tried to keep Eira enclosed with …

The Best Dog Shedding Brush

Ah, dog shed. Maybe if you’re lucky, you have a dog that doesn’t shed hardly at all, ever, like a yorkie. Or maybe you’re like me and you have always had big, furry dogs that grow thick coats in winter or anytime the weather gets cold and then sheds for weeks once things warm up. …

The Best Pet Carpet Cleaner

Back when I was a kid, our German shepherds stayed outside a lot. They had a huge, grassy backyard and each other for company, and we played with them all the time. When it rained, they curled up in their dog houses. When the blizzards and sub-zero temperatures hit Montana, they came inside — but only …

The Best Diet Dog Food

It’s hard not to smile at an overweight dog waddling around a house. And yet, obesity contributes negatively to several of the leading causes of death for dogs, including cancer, issues related to bloat, and heart disease. Keeping our dogs at a healthy weight is crucial for their overall wellbeing, too. But sometimes, we get …

The Best (Safest) OTC Pain Meds for Dogs

There’s nothing worse than seeing your fur-baby in pain. And because they can’t explain to us how they’re feeling, we aren’t sure how, exactly, to help. Once, when my German shepherd, Bella, was about four, she howled in pain while chasing a ball. She stopped abruptly and began to limp. I ran to her, picked …

The Best Dog Food for Medium Sized Dogs 

There’s a lot of information out there for the biggest of dog breeds — those weighing over 55 pounds — and small dog breeds, which usually weigh under 22. We know what is the best dog food for German shepherds, malamutes, and labs of the world. And we’re up to date on the best small …

The Best Wet Dog Food 

When my German shepherd Clancy was young, we kept a box of Kirkland wet dog food in the pantry for special occasions. Like most dogs, Clancy ate kibble most of the time. Kibble is important for dogs because it helps keep your dog’s teeth clean and strong. But there are times when soft, wet dog …

The Best Small Breed Puppy Food 

I’ve always had big dogs, so imagine my surprise one day when I went to my future in-laws’ home as a teenager and saw their Yorkshire terriers’ itsy-bitsy food bowls. In the mornings, the dogs got just a handful of food — whereas mine got heaps of it. It did make sense, though, because the …

Is Kirkland Dog Food Safe for Dogs?

For the longest time, I didn’t pay attention to what food my dogs ate. Part of this was because I lived with my parents and was a child. They took care of buying everyone’s food, the dogs’ included. We had not come across Kirkland dog food and Kirkland products yet. But once I was a …

Is Glucosamine Safe for Dogs? 

I’ll never forget receiving a life-changing text one morning from my dad. I was nineteen years old and couldn’t wait to go home from college for Thanksgiving. My dogs, Bella and Clancy, would be so excited to see me, and I them. I loved seeing them as much as I loved seeing my mom, dad, …

Ultimate Guide to Dog Whistle Training (Plus our Favorite Whistles)

When we first brought our Alaskan shepherd, Eira, home last November, I jumped into training her right away. She was sweet, cuddly, and extremely loud — a problem for my son with sensory processing special needs — so I figured I could train her early. It was essential to get her well trained before she …

The Best Dog Food for Huskies

Siberian huskies are known around the world for their lightness, their quickness, and their strength. They are so strong yet quick-footed, in fact, that they are the official racing dog of Alaska’s Iditarod Sled Dog Race. I moved to Alaska in 2017 and attended my first official Iditarod start in March of 2018. I went …

Dog Ate Chicken Bones? What to Do Next? 

Dog ate chicken bones? If your dog eats cooked chicken bones, you need to be very careful, as cooked bones can splinter easily and cooked bones can cause trouble. The story of Clancy accidentally eating cooked bones below and how I dealt with it will be helpful to you. I grew up in southwestern Montana, …

The Best Citronella Dog Collar 

I have a confession to make: last year, when Eira was a puppy who ran off all the time if she wasn’t on her leash and who yowled and howled almost constantly, I borrowed my neighbor’s shock collar against my better judgment. I was sick and tired of trying to train Eira how to behave …

Best Rolled Leather Dog Collar 

If you’re like most people, you may have put a little bit of thought into which collar you bought for your dog. You probably went to the local pet store and checked out their display, searching for the cutest collar for your sweet little Fido. Maybe you gave it a few tugs to make sure …

The Best Dog Sleeping Bag 

I grew up going camping every summer, and so did my dogs. In fact, my German shepherd, Clancy, was delivered to us while we were on a weeks-long camping trip with our RV. Clancy slept inside the RV with us, so she didn’t get cold. We often tent-camped, too, but once fall hit, we rolled …

The Best LED Dog Collar 

Back when my German shepherds were young, we lived in a house across from a huge field. In the wintertime, we’d take the dogs out for nighttime walks in the snow. There’s nothing like the peaceful darkness of a winter sky. Snow provides a light background for you to see your dogs with — mostly. …

The Best Dog Joint Supplement 

Everyone who owns German shepherds knows that they struggle with hip issues. When we bred Clancy, who had “excellent” hip health, with another German shepherd, all the puppies came out with “good” hips…except one, Osita. Osita was a sweet, fluffy dog who loved everybody. A family in the neighborhood purchased her and were thrilled to …

Dexas Mudbuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner Review

I had just spent the entire day cleaning the house — and with a toddler at home, no less. We’d spent hours vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, disinfecting the kitchen, and then finally cleaning the floors. Cleaning the laminate floors had taken the longest. Before I could start, I had to vacuum the rugs and …

The Best Nature’s Miracle Products for Dogs

Back when I was ten years old, I begged my parents for a dog. I know millions of other kids did the same thing, imagining the sweet balls of fur and drool that would become beloved members of the family for years to come. In my case, my parents told me they’d need a week …

Why Your Dog Needs a Benebone

I’ve always walked past the Benebone section in the store without paying it much interest. The bones aren’t flashy or exciting, like Nylabones (which we love), and they’re a little more expensive than the typical synthetic dog bone. But there they were, those humble bones, when I walked by them the other day. I finally …

Best Sunscreen for Dogs

It’s an extra-hot, extra-dry summer in Alaska. Where last August it rained almost every day (5 inches total), this August it hasn’t rained at all. The leaves are turning brown and falling off the trees early. Dust is everywhere. Smoke from dozens of fires dims the views we usually have of the surrounding mountains. It …

The Best Rain Jackets for Dogs

Dogs don’t mind getting wet — right? They’ve got that fur that repels water, so when they’re out walking in the rain they don’t feel much. Right? Wrong! Dogs do get wet, especially if they have short fur. But eventually any dog will get soaked under a downpour — and how would you feel if …

Why You Should Go on a Solo Road Trip With Your Dog 

I’m currently sitting on the front porch of an old Alaska cabin with my dog, Eira Violet, lying down at my feet. It’s just the two of us, and we’re watching wind whip the spruce trees and listening to the thunder. I haven’t felt this utterly relaxed in ages, and I owe it to Eira: …

Why Your Dog Totally Needs an Elevated Pet Feeder

Have you ever leaned over your food — and eaten it in that hunched position, too? It’s not comfortable. The food goes down, but your body has to work harder. That’s why most people eat in an upright position. Yet we feed our dogs in bowls on the floor, and for bigger dogs especially, this …

Why Your Dog Totally Needs a Handheld Pet Massager

Dogs are often hailed as great stress-relievers for humans. Along with getting lots of sleep, good food, regular exercise, and the occasional massage or spa therapy, we humans get all kinds of advice on how to keep our stress levels down. Add dogs to the mix and you get a super-relaxed human: research shows that …

The Best Multivitamin for Big Dogs

Call me clueless, but I only recently found out that you can actually find out which vitamins and minerals your body is lacking by having blood tests done. A healthcare provider ordered a comprehensive set of labs for me, and I discovered that I was severely deficient in several vitamins and micronutrients, including Vitamin B, …

The Best Car Harness and Seat Belt for Your Dog

When my family German shepherd, Clancy, was about seven years old, I found out just how important it is to secure a dog to any vehicle she is riding in. Clancy and Bella were riding in the bed of my dad’s truck on a Saturday-afternoon drive in the mountains. She’d been riding in the bed …

The Best Puzzle Feeders for Dogs (and Why Your Dog Needs One) 

Even though I was only ten years old when we got my German shepherd dog, Clancy, back in the early 2000s, I knew early on that you could NOT leave Clancy’s food bag open. Even though we stored her food in the garage, a place she rarely went, we had to be careful because Clancy …

The Best Wound Spray for Your Dog 

We all know that dogs don’t like Band-Aids. I mean, how can you even keep one on a furry pup? You can’t! That’s why wound sprays are such a genius invention — especially the ones tailored specifically for canines. There are two reasons I started looking into wound sprays for Eira: first, it’s summertime in …

Ultimate Guide to the Best Recovery Collar for Dogs

Ah, the cone of shame. If your dog hasn’t experienced it yet, she will soon. Designed to protect your dog’s wounds, injuries, and stitches from her own curious teeth, the cone of shame — ahem, the recovery collar — is a must-have. But some recover collars are more dignified than others and allow for more …

Why You Should Try Grass-Saving Biscuits for Dogs

There’s nothing like a soft, green lawn for you and your pups to relax on together on warm summer days. You can spread your picnic blanket on the grass, settle your pooch in next to you, and enjoy a meal together. Say you did this and one day you noticed unsightly yellow spots on your …

Why Chi Products for Dogs Are Totally Worth It

When I was a teenager, all I wanted was a CHI straightening iron. All my friends had one, but they cost a hundred bucks — a lot of money for a teenager who worked at McDonald’s to pay her enormous texting bill. So, I never got a CHI iron, and as the years slipped by, …

The Best Kong Products for Small Dogs

We all know big dogs love Kong products. But what about littler dogs? This week, I’m in California with my in-laws’ toy dogs, Walter and Rosemary. Walter and Rosemary had never played with Kong toys before, so I got them several toys to find out which are the best Kong products for small dogs. Obviously …

Best Dog-Walking Products for Small Dogs

Because I’ve always had big dogs, I’m well versed in how to handle heavy, energetic dogs who love going on multiple walks a day. But this week, I’m visiting my in-laws in California. They have two toy dogs: Walter, a Maltese; and Rosemary, a Yorkshire terrier. These dogs are tiny—Rosemary only weighs 3 pounds! And …

How to Deal with Dog Eye Discharge

When I was a kid, I thought those little white or brown dogs that you could carry in your purse were cute, but I didn’t really want to pet them. That’s because every time I got up close, those sweet little dogs stared back at me from gunk-filled eyes, often accompanied by long yellow-orange streaks …

Best Indoor Dog Gates for Dogs Big and Small

On the car ride to pick up my new puppy from the city of Anchorage, Alaska last November, I played soft Christmas tunes over the radio. “We’re going to get our new puppy!” I told my toddler, barely able to contain my joy. I’d picked out a special name for our Alaskan malamute/German shepherd puppy: …

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Dog Diapers

Let me make a confession first: I never even knew dog diapers were a thing before this week. Puppy training pads? Yes. Fresh patches of grass for dogs to pee on? Yes. But after recently finishing two and a half years of diaper-changing days with my toddler, I thought diapers were out of my life …

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Collapsible Bowls

Have you ever found yourself out on a walk or hike with your dog, only to suddenly realize you brought plenty of water for your dog—but nothing for them to drink it out of? For the longest time, I relied on cupping my hands and pouring water into them. My German shepherds, Clancy and Bella, …

What Are Playology Toys and Do Dogs Really Like Them?

I love buying Eira toys. She always seems to know when I’ve brought home something new, and she loves to sit and wait for me to unload my shopping bags or Amazon boxes to see what new toy she got. During all my toy-shopping experiences, Playology toys kept popping up, whether in the toy aisle …

Why Your Dog Needs a Reflective Vest, and How to Find the Perfect One

Back when I lived in Montana, I used to go jogging early in the winter mornings, long before the sun came up. I often took my one-year-old German shepherd, Bella, with me, and I wore a reflective vest and a headlamp. Bella didn’t have a vest. One morning, we were running in the darkness past …