The Best Light Up Dog Collar Products for Safer Night Walks

The concept of light-up dog collars may seem strange to some, and to others, these silly devices seem like some kind of gimmick. However, when you truly begin to understand how light-up dog collars work and what features are available for providing your dog with a safer night walk, you’ll likely change your mind. Does …

The Most Comfortable Fabric Dog Collars For Your Sensitive Dog 

Fabric dog collars are some of the most popular dog collars purchased for our canine counterparts throughout the world. These collars are easy to clean, hold up well to wear and tear, and are generally comfortable for our furry friends. However, some fabric dog collars can be stiff around the edges or contain materials that …

The Best No-Pull Harness for Your Dog

Taking your dog on a nice long walk around the neighborhood is one of the simplest things you can do to assure better mental and physical health for your pup. But if your dog pulls while on leash, that walk can quickly turn mentally and physically draining for you. While it is possible to train …

Best Dog Cone Options for Healing, Itching, and More

The cone of shame. There is hardly anything more hilarious or more pitiful than a doggy in a cone. While you may not want to see your own pooch in this humorous yet sad state, the fact is, the vast majority of dogs will need a recovery collar at some point in their lives. And …

Does Your Dog Pull? Why Your Dog Totally Needs An Easy Walk Harness!

For the past few years working in the dog industry, my primary role has been working with dogs who have serious anxiety issues, come from traumatic backgrounds, or were not properly socialized as young puppies. Dogs like these tend to all have one thing in common – they are not the best walkers. And there …

Best Flea Collar For Dogs

Even if you’re not a dog person, you’ve probably heard about fleas and ticks. And one thing most of us dog savvy people know is that fleas and ticks love to feast on our four-legged friends. Depending on where you live, these pesky pests can be a serious problem, but even if you don’t live …

Best Pomeranian Bark Collar – Is A Bark Collar Right For Your Pom?

Whether it’s small dog prejudice or an actual fact, there is a common opinion floating around amongst dog enthusiasts that small dogs bark more frequently than large dogs. In fact, I think the exact term is that small dogs are “yappy”. My personal and somewhat educated opinion as an unbiased small dog owner is that …

15 Classy Dog Collar Charms For Your Dog

I’ll admit it. I’m one of those dog moms who’s kind of dog-accessory obsessed. I love all things dogs, from doggy jackets to hair accessories, to blinged out dog collars, to funny dog ID tags. So you can imagine my excitement when I learned about dog collar charms. Adorable little additions to your dog’s collar …

The Best Citronella Dog Collar 

I have a confession to make: last year, when Eira was a puppy who ran off all the time if she wasn’t on her leash and who yowled and howled almost constantly, I borrowed my neighbor’s shock collar against my better judgment. I was sick and tired of trying to train Eira how to behave …

Best Rolled Leather Dog Collar 

If you’re like most people, you may have put a little bit of thought into which collar you bought for your dog. You probably went to the local pet store and checked out their display, searching for the cutest collar for your sweet little Fido. Maybe you gave it a few tugs to make sure …

The Best LED Dog Collar 

Back when my German shepherds were young, we lived in a house across from a huge field. In the wintertime, we’d take the dogs out for nighttime walks in the snow. There’s nothing like the peaceful darkness of a winter sky. Snow provides a light background for you to see your dogs with — mostly. …

Are Adaptil Collars Any Good For Anxious Dogs?

For many dog owners – myself included – integrating their anxious dog into society can be a nightmare. Whether it manifests as a stubborn tail between the legs, crying, whimpering or even short-tempered aggression, many dogs unfortunately experience feelings of immense stress and anxiety that impact their ability to ingratiate themselves into their community. Arya …

The Best Car Harness and Seat Belt for Your Dog

When my family German shepherd, Clancy, was about seven years old, I found out just how important it is to secure a dog to any vehicle she is riding in. Clancy and Bella were riding in the bed of my dad’s truck on a Saturday-afternoon drive in the mountains. She’d been riding in the bed …

Ultimate Guide to the Best Recovery Collar for Dogs

Ah, the cone of shame. If your dog hasn’t experienced it yet, she will soon. Designed to protect your dog’s wounds, injuries, and stitches from her own curious teeth, the cone of shame — ahem, the recovery collar — is a must-have. But some recover collars are more dignified than others and allow for more …

Best Dog Leashes for Puppies

Looking after a puppy is a challenging task for anyone. When your puppy can take his first steps outside into the big wide world, it’s important that you both feel safe and comfortable in the environment you’re in. For a puppy, suddenly having lots of new smells, people and noises around causes a lot of …

Say Bye to Prong Collars – 10 Better Products for Dogs that Pull on Leash

It’s not easy being the owner of a dog who pulls on the leash, especially when that dog is a large and powerful pooch. Throughout the years, many trainers and dog experts have shared their opinions on the best way to alleviate pulling dogs, but which methods work, and which methods make the pulling worse? …

Ultimate Guide to the Best Dog Collar: 11 Great Options for Your Pooch

A dog collar is an essential bit of kit for any dog owner.  We do often also recommend using a harness though, especially for dogs that pull a lot, have particularly thin or delicate necks, or for those breeds that are prone to throat problems like laryngeal paralysis or collapsed trachea. Even if a dog …

How the Best Retractable Dog Leash Healed my Relationship with My Dog

I brought my Alaskan shepherd, Eira, home the week of my birthday. Even though my toddler hated it when she howled, we all loved our half German shepherd, half Alaska malamute puppy. I started training her right away and was shocked by how quickly she picked up “sit” and “down” and even, sometimes, “stay.” But …

7 Products That Make Loose Leash Walking Easy

Loose leash walking is one of the most common behaviour issues that dog trainers are asked to help with.  It can be stressful, and sometimes even dangerous, for the owner when taking a strong dog a walk that is pulling on the leash all the time.  It can also be a problem for your dog. …

How to Choose the Best Dog Harness

Looking for the best dog harnesses? You are going through your list of To Dos for your new puppy/adopted dog and you are feeling overwhelmed.  You have the collar and leash right at the top of the list but then someone asks you if you have a harness. You thought that a collar was enough. …

Best Dog Leash – 9 Common Dog Leash Options to Consider

When you first get a dog all the gear you have to buy can be a bit overwhelming.  You will get lots of different advice and be exposed to so many different brands and choices.  What to go for? Choosing the best dog leash is no exception.  There are all different sizes, patterns and styles. …

Choke Chains and Shock Collars: Why We Don’t Recommend Them

Have you or do you use shock collars or choke chains on your dog?  Perhaps you have had a bad experience and it has changed your mind about using them in the future?   They may get results but at what cost? Being realistic, we do recognise that there can be times when experienced dog …

How to Stop a Dog from Pulling on the Leash

Does walking your dog cause you anxiety and frustration? Are you wondering how to stop a dog from pulling on the leash? Training your dog to walk without pulling is one of the hardest parts of owning a dog. Because dogs that pull on the leash can be exasperating to walk, they often don’t get …