Do Dogs Get Tired of Barking? Here’s What We Know

Barking is one of the most common reasons for people to become frustrated with their dogs. And while barking is a normal behavior in all dogs, a dog that is barking excessively can be a nuisance for not only you and your neighbors, but it can also indicate that something is wrong with your dog. …

My Dog Has Bumps Under Her Fur? 7 Causes and What to Do

It can be alarming when you’re petting your dog and feel strange bumps underneath their fur, whether they’re just small bumps or larger lumps. You may just think something bit them, or you may worry that it’s a cancerous tumor if it’s larger. A number of things can cause bumps or lumps under a dog’s …

Ten Dog Sleeping Positions And What They Mean

Are you interested in quickly unwinding the folds in your dog’s personality? Just start observing its sleeping position; yes, you heard it right. Different dogs have variant sleeping positions, the ones in which they feel comfortable. Your dog’s sleeping position is beneficial in knowing about your dog’s mental and psychological condition. Some of these are …

How To Safely Introduce Two Dogs?

Are you planning to buy a new dog, or have you brought one? You may think that introducing two dogs is not a big deal, that you just need to introduce the two dogs to each other, and they will automatically become friends. But that is entirely not the case when it comes to introducing …

Do Dogs Like Kisses? Here’s What We Know

We love our dogs. So naturally, we love showering them with affection, which may mean kissing them. Some of us smooch them on the head, the nose, or the face. For some of us, it’s as natural as tail wags are to them. But do our companions actually like this gesture? Of course, we want …

How Often Do Puppies Poop? When Should I Be Concerned?

Puppies need to go to the bathroom a lot. If you have a new puppy, you’ve probably already noticed that they pee every few hours. They also need to poop a lot more than adults. The average puppy needs to eliminate about five times a day, usually thirty minutes after each meal. Puppies do not …

Dog Refuses To Walk: 7 Reasons and What to Do

It’s frustrating when you’re out walking your dog and they just suddenly stop. Maybe they’re trying to head in a different direction, they don’t want to go home yet, or they’re just not used to walking on a lease yet. They could also be in pain, uncomfortable, or scared of something. The weather can also …

Why is My Dog Always Hungry? Causes and When to Be Concerned

Have you ever had your dog begging and insisting that they’re hungry when you just fed them? Or have you given them a bunch of treats only for them to still act hungry? If yes, you’re not alone. Many dogs will act like they’re always hungry, which can range from annoying to concerning. Some dogs …

My Puppy Won’t Pee Outside? Causes and What to Do

Potty training a puppy can be a frustrating experience with many setbacks. It’s easy to get angry when things go wrong and your puppy is peeing on your fancy carpet, no matter how hard you try to train them to go outside. A range of things can cause a puppy to refuse to go outside, …

How to Introduce Two Dogs When One Is Aggressive?

When introducing a new dog into your home, it’s always best to go about it slowly and cautiously. In many cases, dogs will hit it off from the get-go (in fact, you might even see them become fast friends). However, in some instances, things can take an ugly turn. And what happens when one of …

How To Stop Dog Aggression Towards Other Dogs

We are not going to lie; dog-to-dog aggression can be a bit embarrassing, especially when strolling around the park or having a friendly neighborhood talk. It showcases a lack of discipline and, yes, can be a bit reflective of the owner’s training. But, we all know that a friendly dog suddenly showing aggression has nothing …

Why is My Dog Losing Weight Suddenly? Causes and What to Do

Weight is an essential factor in a dog’s health. It can indicate or cause a health problem. Any unnatural pound gain or loss can be concerning for a pet owner. Of course, you never want your pup to be overweight. If they are, it may be a relief when they lose some pounds. That said, …

Why is My Dog Pooping So Much? How Much is Normal and When to Be Concerned

Pooping is a normal, healthy function. One that we don’t often like to think about with humans or dogs, but it’s a natural part of life. It keeps us healthy and functioning properly. It’s more concerning if something isn’t pooping. Dogs need this function as much as people do. But how much is too much? …

How to Address Sudden Excessive Drooling in Dogs

Drooling is usually pretty normal for dogs, especially for specific breeds. It’s basically saliva escaping from the mouth. Saliva results from the salivary glands producing saliva from the neck and jaw area to help them digest food. It’s a normal, healthy function. It can be gross and a pain to deal with for us, but …

Why is My Dog Throwing up White Foam? What it Means and What to Do

It’s always a bit concerning when a dog throws up, but it can be especially concerning when they’re throwing up a white, foamy substance. Several things can cause a dog to throw up white foam, ranging from an upset stomach to a serious disease that requires veterinary care. I’ve been in the position of seeing …

Why is My Puppy Peeing a Lot? When Should I Be Concerned?

Puppies pee. A lot. It’s a fact of puppyhood and something you just have to push through. It’s usually not something to worry about, even if they need to go every other hour. Depending on how much they’re running around or how much they’re eating, drinking, or sleeping, they may just need to go often. …

My Dog Won’t Stop Itching? Causes and What to Do

A constantly itchy dog can be worrisome. An inch every once in a while is fine. We all get them. But when it becomes a constant irritant and disturbance for your furry friend, it’s a problem. Itching in dogs can be a pain to diagnose because of the many potential causes. It could be an …

How Long Will a Puppy Cry At Night – Sleeping Tips For Puppies

So, you got a new cute puppy, and all the while it was with you, it was completely fine. But as soon as you put it to bed at night, you hear your cute fido crying a few hours later. You are not the first owner to experience it and obviously won’t be the last. …

Why is My Dog Barking at Night? How to Address Late Night Barking

Dogs bark. It’s part of life for a dog parent and it’s usually just a natural form of communication for them. They don’t realize it may be annoying to others and they have no understanding of how loud they can get. That said, the last thing you want to deal with when you’re trying to …

Why is My Dog Scared of Me? Causes and What to Do

It can be heartbreaking when your dog seems to be scared of you. Whether it’s a dog you just got or one you’ve had for a while already, it can be saddening and a bit worrisome when they’re scared of you. It can make you question whether you’re fit to be a pet owner or …

Why Do Dogs Scratch Carpet – How Do I Stop Them?

So you have bought a puppy thinking, oh well, at least my carpets are safe from being ripped apart (unless it was a cat). But, you suddenly discover that it wasn’t true, and your fido is scratching its nails into it. The carpet is done for, and you are now in big trouble. This behavior …

Why is My Dog Not Drinking Water? How to Hydrate a Dog that Won’t Drink

Water is important. Living things can’t function for long without it. So if your dog is suddenly refusing to drink water, it can quickly become a serious problem. There are many reasons why your pup may be refusing water. They could be sick, or there could be something wrong with their water bowl. There could …

Why Is My Dog Biting Tail Base – What Causes It? 

Dogs have a unique way of expressing themselves and addressing their issues in adorable ways. A dog playing with its tail seems adorable, but what if they start chewing it? They can’t talk nor intelligently express themselves. So what do they do in case there is something wrong? They start barking, licking, or chewing the …

Are Huskies Aggressive? Get to Know When They Can Be 

Huskies are a beautiful, elegant, and intelligent breed. Their large size and elegant looks attract every dog owner. The black and white fur with those glaring eyes is a sight to behold. Most dog owners often assume it as aggressive due to its large size and wolf-like features. But is that true? Are huskies aggressive? …

Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me? What Does It Mean?

Have you ever been minding your own business when suddenly you feel your dog pawing at you? You could be sitting on the couch watching TV or talking and playing games, and suddenly there’s a paw on your leg. Maybe they leave it there, or maybe they start digging at you with it, demanding you …

Why Do Dogs Lay on Your Feet? What Does It Mean?

If you’ve lived with a dog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that many of them tend to plop down next to or on your feet. Most dogs I’ve lived with have done it, usually with their favorite person. Some will just plop down on top of you, making it difficult to move. Others are …

How Long Do Dogs Remember People?

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of canine memory with our article on ‘How Long Do Dogs Remember People?’ Learn about a dog’s cognitive abilities, memory retention, and how it affects their relationships with humans. Understand the science behind your furry friend’s long-lasting bonds A long time ago, my family adopted a dog that a …

Signs of Prey Drive in Dogs and How to Manage It

Does your dog have a high prey drive? As dog owner’s we often forget that our pet dogs are, at their core, predators. Although it has been many years since our dogs have had to catch their own food for survival, it is still an instinct. Prey drive is a dog’s instinctual response to prey. …

Dog Chewing Paws? Why Do Dogs bite Their Paws and What To Do

Is your dog chewing paws or licking paws excessively? While occasional licking and chewing of paws is generally a normal behavior for dogs, though there are times when a dog chewing paws or licking paws excessively can be an indication that something is going on with your dog that needs to be addressed. Today, we …

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

If you have ever owned a dog, you’ve probably wondered how it is that he can snooze all morning, take a little walk, snooze most of the afternoon, then settle down for 10 hours of sleep at night. Maybe you’re a little jealous — certainly most of us humans could use a little less stress …

When Do Puppies Stop Biting? How To Manage Those Sharp Little Puppy Teeth

When do puppies stop biting? This is a common question we get from many of our clients who are new to puppy parenthood. While most of us can agree that puppies are ridiculously adorable, we can also agree it’s not so adorable when they sink their needle-like teeth into our skin. Ouch! While puppy biting …

Why Is My Dog Drinking So Much Water? 

Like all mammals, dogs need to drink water in sufficient amounts to keep their bodies functioning normally. Water is essential to digestion, circulation and elimination, and plays an important role in regulating body heat. Without adequate fluid intake, a dog will become dehydrated and, in time, very sick. Severe dehydration can even result in death. …

Why is My Dog’s Stomach Making Noises?

I remember the first time I heard my dog’s stomach making noises: a strange, gurgling, rumbling sound that went on and on. I spent ten minutes going around the house, trying to find the source. What was it? Water in the pipes? An earthquake? Some sort of little monster? In the end, the sound was …

Why Isn’t my Dog Eating?

An everyday thing that pet owners are used to is their dog eating regularly. A great appetite, as well as a balanced diet is always important to your dogs health. When your dog doesn’t eat over a period of time, owners often become concerned. Here are a handful of reasons why your dog may not …

Why Do Dogs Dig Holes?

One of the most natural and instinctive behaviors our dogs can do is to dig. But why do they do it? And how can we manage the issue if it starts to become a problem? While we can never completely take away the natural instincts of our animals, nor should we want to, sometimes this …

Why is My Dog Shaking? Here’s What You Should Know

Paying close attention to all of your dogs habits typically is a common occurrence by most dog owners. Whether it be your dog does something funny often with their body, or they bark at the same people over and over, dog owners often have habits to keep an eye on. One of those habits that …

Why do Dogs Pant?

No matter what part of the world you may be in, at some point, hotter temperatures have come across your path. Dogs often will “pant” during these warmer days, however, is it always normal for them to do so? I am here to give you the breakdown on dog panting, what causes it, and other …

Why Dogs Eat Cat Poop from the Litter Box and How to Stop It

If you’re reading this right now, the chances are that you just witnessed your canine companion do the unthinkable – eat cat poop! While this is not a conversation you want to be having, especially where food is involved, dogs eating cat poop is no new news! You would be surprised how common this is, …

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

Dogs have different ways of showing their interest in the human voice. Whether they show that interest by running in the room when you call them, or licking you and never stopping, the different ways they give you their attention is quite entertaining. One of these ways of showing attention is by tilting their heads. …

Why Does My Dog Make Weird Noises?

All dog owners are familiar with the strange noises that can sometimes come out of our dogs. As funny as these weird noises might sometimes be, you might also be wondering what’s behind some of the weird noises your dog makes. Read on to learn all about how dogs communicate, find out the meaning behind …

What to Do with Your Dog in a Divorce – Advice from Divorce Lawyers

Recently, a friend was lamenting that she now had to share custody of her dog with her soon-to-be ex-husband. I think she was more upset about not having her furry companion with her 24-7 than she was with the actual breakup of her marriage. For many people, dogs are not just pets they are members …

5 Reasons Why Dogs Hump

We’ve all been there. You’re in a public place with your dog, watching them run, chase and play with another dog. Then, when you least expect it, you see your dog mounting another. It is somewhat embarrassing or shocking, particularly as it is not something that you see a dog doing all the time in …

10 Common Dog Behavior Problems and How To End Them

Behavior problems are a common reason owners give for surrendering pets to shelters or rescue organizations.  Approximately 3.3 million dogs are surrendered to animal shelters each year.  One in five of these dogs will be euthanized. Correcting behaviors and keeping dogs in loving homes is not only easier on dog owners, but literally saves lives. …

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws? 8 Common Reasons

You may have noticed that your dog has started licking his paws and are curious about why this could be. Alternatively, perhaps your dog has done this for a long time and it’s become natural, therefore making it more difficult to spot yourself. When your dog licks his paws, it could be for several different …

Puppy Personality Tests: Helping You Find Your Perfect Puppy

Nothing is more exciting than the prospect of becoming a brand new dog parent. You run out and buy more dog toys than your pup will ever need and a dog bed the size of a full grown Great Dane. Your puppy deserves only the best, and you’re going to do everything you can to …

12 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained When Home Alone

We all know the feeling of having to leave your dog home alone. You’re all set, ready to go and just before you do you have to say goodbye to your precious pooch. They stare at you with those puppy dog eyes, begging you not to leave. How adorable they look makes it difficult to …

10 Ways Your Dog Shows Affection

The feeling that you get when a dog shows a sign of affection is unlike any other. A dog loves you more than anything else is the world. Where you have lots of things that complete your life, your dog only has you. There are many ways that your dog shows you affection and some …

What Did Your Dog Just Say? 15 Bark Sounds and What They Mean

Some dogs bark due to boredom, loneliness, or lack of exercise. Others bark incessantly to get attention or release stress. My dog barks to annoy me. Just kidding. The truth is, no dog barks just to drive us insane. Dogs bark for many different reasons and now, thanks to some pretty cool studies, we are …