How to Treat Your Dog’s Hot Spots at Home

I’ll never forget the alarm I felt when one morning, I awoke to find my German shepherd dog’s tail fur gone from her tail. This was at least five years ago, and Bella, my dog, looked up at me with guilty eyes and then proceeded to chew the last bits of fur off her poor, …

Liver Disease in Dogs: Causes, Complications and Treatments

Owning a dog with liver disease can be challenging. I know this for certain because my dog, Joey, a 13-year-old shih tzu, was diagnosed with a rare  form of liver disease about three years ago. In his case, we found the problem quite by accident. During an exam for an unrelated issue, my vet found …

What to do When Your Dog Suffers from a Torn ACL

My black German Shepherd was about nine years old, healthy, and active when she came into the house one night limping on her back leg. I thought she might have pulled a muscle or something, as she liked to dash about the backyard, particularly if there was a cat around! I waited to see how …

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

Although most pet owners couldn’t put a price on their beloved dog, it’s important to face the fact that owning a dog is expensive – often more expensive than we expect. Routine vet costs alone will easily cost you hundreds of dollars per year. When you consider the fact that most pet owners will experience …

Idiopathic Head Tremors in Dogs: Should You Be Concerned?

When Capa, my Labrador Retriever mix, sat in his chair with his head bobbing up and down uncontrollably, it freaked me out. My dog is healthy overall, and I wasn’t told about any health problems or chronic conditions when I adopted him. Still, here he was with his head shaking as if he had developed …

How to Protect Your Dog From Foxtail Injuries

Dogs are the best, aren’t they? They are such innocent, happy little creatures who just want to explore the world around them and have a great time. Unfortunately, the world around our dogs isn’t always totally safe. And while we all want our dogs to hold on to that carefree energy that makes them, well, …

How To Recognize And Treat Paw Pad Burns On Dogs

As temperatures continue to rise this summer, there are a number of harmful conditions your dog is exposed to that typically aren’t an issue any other time of the year. With one of these being paw pad burns, it’s essential to know how to recognize the signs that your pup is suffering so you can …

How To Help Dogs Suffering From Trauma

Dogs are life long snuggle buddies and forever friends. They comfort you in times of need, celebrate your accomplishments and, know how to give some sloppy kisses. They are faithful, loyal and, good companions. From sled to service dogs, these animals have shown their value to us. Generations of strong, healthy breeds have shown the …

Is Your Dog Autistic? Possible Symptoms and Treatment

With the rise of autism in current times, do you find yourself wondering whether your dog could have autism? Does it make you worry when you notice your canine companion unwilling to play, cuddle, or reluctant to do just about anything? Veterinarians have been trying to figure out the occurrence of autism-like symptoms in puppies …

Does Your Dog Need the Lepto Vaccine?

Summer is here! Warm weather means fun in the sun, lots of time spent outside, and of course, swimming. If your dogs are anything like mine, swimming is their favorite way to enjoy the warmer months. No matter where you live, there is somewhere for your dog to swim. We don’t live near the ocean, …

Learning from Zoos: 11 Brilliant Mental Exercises for Your Dog

If you’ve ever had to keep your dog cooped up for a day or two, you probably know that a bored dog can be pretty annoying! Mental exercise is one of the best ways to keep your dog, or any animal, entertained! Your dog is happiest when he gets to use his brain, and is …

11 Ways to Deal With Joint Pain in Your Dog

Joint pain in dogs is rather common, with arthritis being the main source of such pain and discomfort. In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 20% of all dogs will develop arthritis at some point in their lives, prompting the need for some form of treatment protocol to manage their pain. Of course, there are other …

11 Things Your Vet Wants You To Know About Dog Flu

Did you know that dogs can contract canine influenza, AKA the Dog Flu? That’s right. It may be surprising information to some, but to professionals in the pet care world, dog flu is becoming more and more common. Dog flu is also no joke. Canine influenza is a relatively new virus in the canine kingdom, …

8 Best Mental Exercises for Your Dog

Many pet owners strive to provide mental stimulation for their dog, but they don’t understand why mental exercises are so important. We all love our dogs, and we know that they love chews and toys, but mental stimulation is so much more than tossing a few bones their direction. The best way for you to …

What You Need to Know About Reverse Sneezing in Flat Nosed Dogs

We love our flat-nosed dogs, from pugs to bulldogs. They’re loyal and friendly dogs that you can’t help but become attached to. Unfortunately, flat-nosed dogs come with a myriad of health and breathing problems. The first time I heard my pug reverse sneezing, I thought he was having an asthma attack. I was terrified and …

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs and What You Can Do About it

As dog owners, we may have all heard the term “hip dysplasia,” which typically conjures up major concerns as dog parents. But even though you may have heard of it, do you know what it is? And can your precious fur baby be susceptible to this condition? Luckily, innovations in the veterinary world have made …

How to Help Your Dog with a Herniated Disc

About a year ago, my cousin’s dog Tolei had a herniated disc, also known as a “slipped disc.” It wasn’t very dramatic at first. Madison noticed that he whimpered when he jumped off the couch one morning. Throughout the day, he seemed “off.” He didn’t want to eat, play, or go outside. He was clumsy …

How to Deal with Dog Eye Discharge

When I was a kid, I thought those little white or brown dogs that you could carry in your purse were cute, but I didn’t really want to pet them. That’s because every time I got up close, those sweet little dogs stared back at me from gunk-filled eyes, often accompanied by long yellow-orange streaks …

Dog Ear Infections and How to Ease Them

Like humans, dogs are also prone to ear infections. Since they will probably suffer in silence, make a point of regularly checking on their ear health. The good news is, dog ear infections are common and easily treatable. The bad news is, they cause your pup pain and discomfort. If your pooch has floppy ears, …

Dog Anaphylaxis: What It Looks Like and What to Do If It Happens to Your Dog

If you’ve ever experienced a situation involving anaphylaxis, you know how terrifying it can be. Whether the victim is a dog or a human, the situation can turn deadly in the blink of an eye. Anaphylaxis can strike anywhere from a field full of buzzing bees to dinner time in the house. Knowing what your …

The Best Products for Dogs With Halitosis

Dogs show a lot of affection with their mouths. After all, we all know that when a dog licks you, it probably means she likes you. But dog mouths are kind of…gross. Even if you work to give your dog dental bones and brush her teeth regularly, she still might end up with halitosis—really bad …

Heartworm in Dogs: What It Is and What to Do

If your dog doesn’t want to do any physical activity with you, you may think of the obvious reason for his rebellious behavior: he’s lazy. You can try inviting him to go for out a walk in the upcoming days if you want. But if he still says no, it seems like he really is …

Luxating Patella In Dogs – Why It Happens And How To Deal With It

What Is Luxating Patella? Issues with luxating patella are unfortunately common among smaller dog breeds, such as miniature and toy breeds. Luxating patella is a fancy name for the knee, the patella, moving out of place which causes discomfort and possibly pain for the dog. Certain dog breeds are more prone to having shifting knees …

9 Common Causes of Dog Diarrhea and When You Should be Worried

It’s not something dog owners usually want to talk about. But it is something all of them will experience at one time or another. It’s the big D word: Diarrhea. For some dogs, diarrhea is a frequent occurrence. For others, it’s a rare and unnerving experience. No matter where your dog lies on the spectrum, …

How to Choose the Best Exercise for Your Dog

While walks to the nearby dog park are never a bad thing, sometimes dogs need more of a challenge. Doesn’t matter if you have a dog who loves water or one who can run for miles –choosing the right sport for him is essential to make sure he stays fit, has fun and doesn’t get …

8 Ways to Exercise Your Dog Without Going for a Walk

Regular dog walks are very important for your dog, both physically and mentally.  Sometimes a dog may need more than just a couple of regular walks a day to keep them from becoming bored. Sometimes other options for exercise may be required for a variety of other reasons too.  These could include your dog recovering …

How to Find a Good Dog Walker

If you are considering adopting a dog if you work full-time or have other commitments that mean that you are away from the house for longer periods then it is important that you always put your dog’s needs and well-being at the forefront of your mind.  Leaving them for the long durations on their own …

How to Tell if My Dog is in Pain

Dogs are notoriously stoic creatures.  It is not uncommon for a dog to be suffering from a prolonged ailment and even the most doting of owner may not realise.  Many dog owners are looking for the obvious signs like crying or whimpering, but often there can be a much more subtle set of signs that …

Pancreatitis: What is it and How Can You Help Your Dog Manage It?

Pancreatitis can be an awful condition.  It can cause major discomfort and pain for your dog and it is extremely distressing to watch this as an owner.  In extreme or persistent cases, there is a risk of death. This is why, if you spot the symptoms of the condition, it is important that you seek …

How to Care For Dogs Recovering From Surgery or an Injury

The time following surgery for your dog can be confusing and distressing for you both.  Depending on what the surgery was, there will be different requirements in terms of wound care, recovery and rest time, and the medications or supportive therapies they may need post-surgery.  This guide offers some practical general guidance, but make sure …

Why is My Dog Having Seizures and Should I Worry?

One of the most frightening moments as a dog parent is noticing strange behavior and distress in our dogs and not knowing the cause. Especially in the case of seizures, it is often difficult to determine when a seizure is benign or a sign of an underlying dangerous health disorder. According to an article by …

Your Dog Just Ingested Rat Poison – What Should You Do Next?

It’s a frightening situation to be in, and one that still sticks out in my mind. I had just finished taking my dogs out for their pre-bedtime potty break. We were headed up the stairs to our townhome when my chihuahua dove into the bushes. I could hear him eating something and pulled him back. …

Brachycephalic Syndrome In Dogs And How to Deal With It

As an owner of a dog with brachycephalic syndrome, I wanted to learn as much as possible about the potential side effects in order to best care for my dog. My Boston Terrier, Nickel, struggles with many of the symptoms of the brachycephalic syndrome and I’m excited to share the many tips and tricks we’ve …

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for your Diabetic Dog

It is estimated that anywhere from 1 in 500 to 1 in 100 dogs will develop diabetes during their lifetime.  While the exact numbers are difficult to pinpoint, two things are certain: diabetes in dogs is a fairly common occurrence and diabetes is life-threatening when not managed properly. I spoke to veterinarian Katie Ebers from …

7 Signs your Dog May be Depressed and What You Can Do About It

In the not-so-distant past, people didn’t think dogs were capable of much feeling. They relegated canines to farm dog status, not taking much stock in their pups’ thoughts, feelings, and emotions. People rarely considered the idea that their dog may be depressed. If your dog seems depressed, read on to find out what common signs …

How to Safely Walk Your Dog at Night

When the winter months arrive it can sometimes be difficult to avoid taking your dog out for a walk after dark.  It can be much more tricky in terms of visibility, road safety and keeping track of your dog’s movements.  Here are a number of pointers for walking your dog safely in the dark. Sometimes …

Dog Swollen Lymph Nodes? Here’s What to Do

Dog swollen lymph nodes usually indicate that there is an underlying infection or disease that your dog’s body is trying to fight off.  Whilst it can often be something simple to deal with, it can also be an indication of something more serious so understanding what the lymph nodes are, identifying when there are enlarged …

Doggy Dementia: What are the Signs and How to Handle It

As your dog gets older you may start to notice a number of age-related conditions appearing.  A lot of these can be managed to ensure that your dog still has a good quality of life. One such condition is doggy dementia.  Owners can be truly heartbroken if their dog gets this diagnosis but, with the …

Why Is My Dog Scooting? How to Deal with Anal Gland Problems

If you have ever seen your dog scooting their bottom across the ground it may look funny but actually, dog scooting is a sign that your dog is in discomfort and that some action will be needed to ease this discomfort. Many people think that this dog scooting behaviour is a sign their dog has …

Dog Bladder Cancer – Signs of Bladder Cancer in Dogs and What to Do

In this dog bladder cancer guide we walk you through the signs you should pay attention to and when you should take your dog to the vet. The most common type of bladder cancer in dogs is transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). When I was sixteen years old, my family German shepherd, Clancy, gave birth to …

Dog Coughing? What It Means and What to Do

Dog coughing? Don’t panic.  Occasional coughing in dogs or a small cough is generally not something to worry about and even something more persistent will not always be serious and can often be very easily managed if prompt treatment is received. At the same time, dog owners should not ignore a serious cough and it …

Xylitol: What Is It, Where Is It Found and Why It Is so Dangerous for Your Dog?

Xylitol is a product that is becoming increasingly popular for use in a number of common human food products and household items.  Unlike the much talked about chocolate though, the dangers of this product are little known amongst the wider dog community. We hope that this article will provide you with some useful information and …

Dog Limping and When to See a Vet

Is your dog limping? Have you noticed that your dog seems to be limping?  It may not be something you need to panic about but, depending on the severity of their lameness and other environment and physical conditions, it could be something that requires veterinary intervention. They are many causes of limping in dogs – …

Dog Obesity Is More Common Than You Think: Tips for Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

What is the most common killer of dogs?  Would you be surprised to know that it is obesity-related problems? The Statistics Are Concerning Just look at the statistics and there can be no denying this worldwide trend.  The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) reports that, in 2017, an estimated 56% of dogs in North …

Fleas: How to Keep Your Pet and Home from Getting an Infestation

It may not be something you have given too much thought to but, let me tell you, having volunteered with a number of dog rescues across Europe, dealing with a flea infestation, is not only icky but it can be extremely detrimental to the health of your pet and possibly even your wider family.  They …

Everything You Should Know About Dog Shots

The vast amount of things your dog may need can be overwhelming. You have shots, vitamins, toys, crate, water bowls, food, and a bunch of other things you probably bought to spoil them. One of the most detrimental things for your pups health is their shots, but it can be difficult to understand why they …

How to Get Rid of Dog Bad Breath – 7 Practical Tips

Dog bad breath can be a major cause of headaches as a dog owner. Our dog is known for many memorable attributes – his charming personality, his cute looks, his lopsided grin, and his earthquake-inducing snoring. But one much less charming thing is his bad breath. In fact we often joke that the US Army …