Jen Jones
Homemade Dog Food – How to Make Your Own and Make Sure It is Healthy and Balanced
Homemade dog foods are becoming more popular with dog owners. Often people feel that their dog will be getting a healthier diet and they like having more control over what they are feeding their dog. It can have its advantages but, if not done correctly, it can actually be harmful to your dog. Homemade dog …
White German Shepherd: 10 Things You Might Not Know
White German Shepherds have been given a hard time of it in history. They were once regarded as being a problematic mutation and not as sought after or highly regarded as their darker colored relatives. Perceptions have changed, but there are still some common assumptions people make about these dogs that are not true. Despite …
The Long Haired Chihuahua: 10 Things You Might Not Know
Many people make the mistake of thinking that a Chihuahua will be a perfect lap dog that will enjoy just sitting on your knee and being carried and cuddled all day. This breed is actually super intelligent, often very spunky, and they need plenty of training and stimulation to make sure that they don’t start …
What Are Desensitization and Counterconditioning and Why Are They Helpful?
Counterconditioning and desensitization are two terms that can be baffling if you are just entering the world of dog training and behavior but, if you are dealing with a nervous or fearful dog, they are ones that it is important to gain an understanding of as they can be very powerful tools, especially when used …
Compulsive Behavior in Dogs: Some Examples and How to Manage Them
Compulsive behaviors in dogs are more common than you might think. Sometimes you may actually be inadvertently encouraging these behaviors to develop in your own dog. Sometimes there may be a medical reason that needs to be addressed, other times it is about management and training, or simply just making sure that your dog has …
Why Punishment Should be Avoided When Training Your Dog
The dog training world can be a passionate and widely divisive one. Broadly speaking, there are two main types of training. Those that rely on using force-free, positive reinforcement techniques, and those that rely on aversives techniques and punishment (sometimes used alongside some positive training too admittedly). In this article, we hope to help you …
What is Target Training and Why Can It Be Useful?
Target training, sometimes also referred to as a ‘hand touch’, or ‘hand target’, or just as a “touch”, is something that might initially seem like an odd thing to teach your dog, but it can actually have a lot of really useful practical applications. Generally, most trainers recommend starting by teaching your dog to touch …
10 Dog Friendly Things to do Along the Oregon Coast
Ocean waves crash against rocky shorelines. Sandy beaches expose seashells of varying colors, shapes and sizes. White gulls hover over waves and wade through shallow tidal pools. A highway twists and turns for more than 360 miles north and south. Picnic areas, campgrounds, lighthouses, hiking trails and small communities abound along this stretch of road, …
Can Acupuncture be Beneficial For Your Dog?
Acupuncture, the insertion of needles into certain pressure points on the body to stimulate healing, is an alternative therapy that is growing in popularity as a complementary treatment for dogs and other pets. This form of treatment still courts criticism from some in the field of medicine, but it’s proponents suggest that it is a …
8 Ways to Exercise Your Dog Without Going for a Walk
Regular dog walks are very important for your dog, both physically and mentally. Sometimes a dog may need more than just a couple of regular walks a day to keep them from becoming bored. Sometimes other options for exercise may be required for a variety of other reasons too. These could include your dog recovering …
How to Find a Good Dog Walker
If you are considering adopting a dog if you work full-time or have other commitments that mean that you are away from the house for longer periods then it is important that you always put your dog’s needs and well-being at the forefront of your mind. Leaving them for the long durations on their own …
10 Backyard Toys that will Keep Your Dog More Fit
Did you know that an estimated 56% of dogs in the United States are either overweight or obese? According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, this is a serious health threat — reducing life expectancy, and increasing the risk of skin disorders, chronic inflammation, and orthopedic strain. One of the best ways to keep …
How to Care For Dogs Recovering From Surgery or an Injury
The time following surgery for your dog can be confusing and distressing for you both. Depending on what the surgery was, there will be different requirements in terms of wound care, recovery and rest time, and the medications or supportive therapies they may need post-surgery. This guide offers some practical general guidance, but make sure …
11 Things You Should Know about the Bichon Frise
1995 was the year when the Bichon Frise first stepped foot in America. And since then, people can’t help but be fascinated by this breed of dog. And since then, it wasn’t only the Americans who were smitten with him. Just about everybody around the world were hooked. By simply looking at the Bichon Frise, …
25 Dog Friendly Places and Spaces in Colorado
Colorado, its capital, Denver, and the city of Colorado Springs rank high in pet-friendliness. Unleashed dog parks abound, greenways offer delightful walking paths, and your furry friend is welcome in many human-occupied areas. The Rocky Mountains offer a scenic backdrop to much of Colorado and provide a variety of activities for people and their pets …
Why is My Dog Having Seizures and Should I Worry?
One of the most frightening moments as a dog parent is noticing strange behavior and distress in our dogs and not knowing the cause. Especially in the case of seizures, it is often difficult to determine when a seizure is benign or a sign of an underlying dangerous health disorder. According to an article by …
A High Energy Dog Owner’s Survival Guide
Working dog breeds are popular pets today, but they have always been bred to work tirelessly alongside humans. Hunting dogs are bred to live for the hunt. Herding dogs are bred to think for themselves, or obey the commands of their masters, while they run up and down hills gathering livestock. Sled dogs are bred …
6 Tips for Managing the Spring Shed
We’ve all been there. The dog hair just keeps piling up, and you can’t seem to stop it. Shedding is a natural event that most dogs experience, especially during seasonal changes. Spring, when the temperatures begin to warm up, tends to be the most vicious of all the shedding. The accumulation of dog hair during …
What You Need to Get Started in Dog Agility Training
Are you looking for an amazing activity that you can do with your favorite canine? Agility training is a great way to build a stronger dog between you and your dog, plus it’s fabulous exercise, great for solving behavioral problems, and a whole lot of fun. You don’t need to be an expert dog handler …
13 Things You Should Know About the Beagle Bull
Sweet, loyal and distinctive looking, a Beagle Bull is a mix between the pitbull terrier and beagle. They can be such sweet and wonderful animals to have in the family. While not recognized officially as a purebred, its popularity has been growing among breeders. Beagle Bulls can also be found at many rescue organizations due …
11 Things You Should Know About the Cock-a-Mo
Finding the perfect family pet can be difficult. My family has always been lucky. Throughout my life we have had four completely different dogs, ranging in size and personality. Our current dog is named Obie and he is a cock-a-mo. With his huge grin, constantly wagging tail and beautiful fur, we fell in love with …
How to Safely Walk Your Dog at Night
When the winter months arrive it can sometimes be difficult to avoid taking your dog out for a walk after dark. It can be much more tricky in terms of visibility, road safety and keeping track of your dog’s movements. Here are a number of pointers for walking your dog safely in the dark. Sometimes …
The Best Dog Footwear – Boots, Shoes and Socks for Your Fur Baby
We’ve all seen celebs trot out their pooches in designer label outfits complete with matching booties. So as a pet parent, you may be wondering: Do dogs really need boots? The short answer is yes. Like our own footwear, dog boots offer protection to our canine companion’s paws. So what is the best dog footwear? …
Dog Coughing? What It Means and What to Do
Dog coughing? Don’t panic. Occasional coughing in dogs or a small cough is generally not something to worry about and even something more persistent will not always be serious and can often be very easily managed if prompt treatment is received. At the same time, dog owners should not ignore a serious cough and it …
50 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the World
Wondering which are the most popular dog breeds in the world? This list of the 50 most popular dog breeds is one of the most comprehensive out there. What makes some dog breeds popular? Sometimes, dogs are popular despite having some health or other issues. Studies of dog choices reveal that breeds seem to be …
When to use Dog Muzzles and How to Get Your Dog Used to Wearing a Muzzle
I owned and ran a specialist dog shop in Edinburgh in Scotland for ten years and muzzles were frequently discussed but often in embarrassed, secretive tones or, if a dog was wearing a dog muzzle, other dog owners would dramatically retreat out of the shop in a hurried fashion. There are a lot of unfair …
How to Choose the Best Dog Bed: 12 Different Types of Dog Beds
Adopting a new dog or getting a new puppy? Surprised by the number of dog bed styles there are out there? No wonder! It can be overwhelming enough welcoming a new dog into the family, never mind contending with all the different things to buy and opinions from fellow dog owners. Every dog is different …