Barking is one of the most common reasons for people to become frustrated with their dogs. And while barking is a normal behavior in all dogs, a dog that is barking excessively can be a nuisance for not only you and your neighbors, but it can also indicate that something is wrong with your dog.
If you have a dog that barks nonstop, you may be asking yourself “do dogs get tired of barking?”. Today, we’re going to answer that question and more!
Keep reading.
If you’re dealing with excessive barking in your companion, your best bet is to find the root cause and deal with it. If you wait for your pup to get tired, they’ll last longer than you will.
So, Why Do Dogs Bark?
Barking is a normal and natural behavior for dogs, though it can be annoying for humans.
A dog and his bark go hand-in-hand. In fact, barking is not only a normal behavior for your four-legged friend, but it’s also a healthy behavior.
Dogs bark for a number of reasons, including to communicate with one another, scare off danger or intruders, express pain or distress, get the attention of their human family members, and even to help occupy themselves when they are bored.
But while barking is normal and all dogs bark, some dog breeds are known to bark more than others. For example, smaller dogs like toy breeds tend to bark more than their larger counterparts. There are many theories as to why, but many experts think smaller breeds are more vocal because it helps to get them noticed.
Smaller dogs are also more likely than large breed dogs to get “rewarded” in some way due to barking or yapping. Rewards can look like reinforcement for barking when an owner holds them in response to their bark or offers them food or a toy.
Some smaller breeds have also been bred to be barkers, especially toy breeds bred to be alert dogs like Miniature Schnauzers, Toy Terriers, and Shelties.
Of course, not all small dogs can be blamed for excessive barking.
Some medium and large dogs have been bred specifically to be vocal, like hounds and hunting dogs who bark with a famous drawl when they have located or cornered their prey. Other dogs bred as watchdogs may also be more likely to bark.
German shepherds, Dobermans, and Rottweilers, for example, tend to be more vocal and territorial than other breeds, so they may be more likely to bark at strangers, unusual sounds, or unfamiliar animals.
We also mentioned above that some dogs may bark excessively out of boredom. If your dog isn’t a breed that is known to be more vocal than other breeds, you may be asking yourself “do dogs get tired of barking?”
But before you blame your dog, you should take a look at your dog’s environment. If your dog is left alone for long periods of time without very much to occupy him, he might get bored and start barking just to entertain himself. The same thing goes for dogs who live in large kennels or pens with other dogs. When their owners aren’t around, they may bark excessively in response to other dogs barking and as a way to communicate with each other.
The good news is that there are several ways you can help remedy excessive barking in your dog, and for the most part you shouldn’t worry about barking as it is a sign of happiness, excitement, or normal anxiety in dogs.
However, sometimes barking can be a cause for concern. If your dog barks excessively, or if he’s barking at nothing in particular, there may be something wrong.
When Is Barking A Sign That Something Is Wrong With Your Dog?
If your naturally quiet dog suddenly begins barking excessively, this could be a sign something is wrong.
We know that barking is a natural part of being a dog, but when barking becomes excessive, it can be annoying and even distressing not only for owners but also for dogs.
Some breeds are known for barking more than others, as we mentioned above, but do dogs get tired of barking? And more importantly, is barking ever a sign that something is wrong with your dog?
Unfortunately, barking can escalate into an unhealthy behavior in dogs. It can also be a sign that something is wrong with your pup.
If your dog seems to be barking at nothing or has recently started barking excessively without any apparent reason, you should do your best to rule out any environmental issues and then consider taking your dog to your local veterinarian as soon as possible.
Remember, there are several reasons why your dog might be barking excessively.
Separation anxiety: Many dogs suffer from Separation anxiety, and there are many symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs outside of barking. Separation anxiety typically happens when a dog that has not been properly trained to be alone or is not used to being left alone is left for even short periods of time. Some dogs are more prone to separation anxiety than others, like small-breed dogs bred specifically for companionship. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety may bark excessively until their owners return. They may also be destructive in other ways like chewing on furniture or going to the bathroom inside the house when they normally would not.
Boredom Or Lack Of Exercise: High-energy dogs or breeds that are bred for working purposes are most likely to fall under this category of excessive barking. However, all dogs can become bored and anxious if they are not kept properly mentally and physically stimulated. Even if you are home, you may find that a dog who is under-exercised or bored will bark excessively, whether they are barking nonstop in the backyard or they are laying by a window barking and growling all day.
Fear: Dogs often bark when they hear things that make them fearful. Loud noises or sounds like thunderstorms or fireworks can cause a dog to erupt into sudden, excessive barking, but other noises like a door slamming, loud voices, the doorbell, the vacuum, or even a stranger’s loud voice can lead to your dog barking. Luckily, this kind of barking is often short-lived and resolves once the noise dissipates. However, if you live in an area where loud noises are common, your dog may become increasingly anxious with these sounds and this could lead not only to heightened anxiety, but it could lead to excessive barking.
Injury: Injured dogs may growl, bark, or yelp out of pain or fear after an injury, especially if someone they don’t trust gets close to them or if they feel they are going to be handled when they really want to be left alone. In some cases, this is a good thing — it’s one way for dogs to communicate that they need help from their owners. However, if this plea is ignored your dog may end up nipping or biting out of pain to avoid being handled.
Age: Dogs who are aging may become confused or disoriented, and they may bark at nothing simply out of distress. This is especially common in senior dogs who are aging and cannot see or hear very well.
If you’re asking do dogs get tired of barking and you believe some of the above reasons could be why your dog is barking excessively, we suggest changing your dog’s environment or investing in products to help reduce barking like thunder vests, chew toys, or puzzle toys.
If you think your dog’s barking is due to an injury or medical reason, have your dog seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible.
So, Do Dogs Get Tired Of Barking?
Your dog may not get tired of barking, even if that barking is causing him pain.
So, do dogs get tired of barking? Unfortunately, The answer is not so black and white, and it actually depends on a few factors.
Some dogs will get bored of barking after some time, especially if their barking is not met with any kind of stimulation or reward.
Other dogs will continue repeating the same behaviors over and over again, especially if they are receiving some kind of stimulation or reinforcement from barking.
For example, if your dog starts barking while outside and other dogs in the neighborhood respond by barking or howling back, this may be reinforcing to your dog and it could encourage your dog to continue barking every time he is let out in the backyard.
If your dog barks at something that scares him and that thing goes away, your dog will naturally think that their bark is what protected them. Again, this reinforces your dog, which can lead to your dog barking more in similar situations in the future.
The same can be said if you respond to your dog’s barking with attention like treats, pets, play, or even scolding when he barks. All of these behaviors can be reinforcing or stimulating for a dog, and he may be more prone to continue barking if he feels reinforced or rewarded by you.
But do dogs get tired of barking physically? For example, does barking too much ever hurt your dog’s throat or vocal cords?
The answer to this question is yes, barking can cause your dog physical discomfort, pain, or even damage if it is excessive. In fact, loud, excessive barking can cause throat damage and even vocal cord paralysis in your dog if left unchecked, so it’s very important to monitor your dog’s barking if it seems to be becoming more excessive than usual.
Even then, the answer to do dogs get tired of barking if they are in pain or discomfort is not always a resounding yes. Remember, dogs differ from people in that they often have a very high pain tolerance. Dogs are also more driven by instinct than anything else, and if their instinct is to bark then they will likely continue to bark even if it hurts.
Barking to Communicate Needs
If your companion needs something, they’ll try their best to tell you. As we all know, dogs can’t speak our language, but they do try to talk to us. Unfortunately for us, that may come in the form of loud, obnoxious yapping.
If your pup is barking, whining, yipping, or using any other verbal behaviors, they may be trying to tell you that they need something.
If they’re calling for you and refuse to stop, it doesn’t hurt to at least poke your head in and make sure they’re okay. That said, if they’re just calling for your attention, giving it to them may reward the behavior.
Make sure you’ve taken care of all their needs. Did you forget to feed them or are they still hungry? Did they get a long enough walk? Do they have water?
If you forget any of these things, your companion will tell you. And they’ll keep trying to tell you until it gets through or they get physically exhausted.
Dogs may bark to communicate needs like food, water, or attention.
Anxiety or Fear
Some dogs will bark more when they’re anxious or scared. If your pup is anxious over a visitor or something else going on, they’ll let you know about it. Even if it seems like a small matter to you, it’s not to them.
If your pup suffers from separation anxiety, they may also call out of anxiety and fear any time you leave them alone. They’re scared that you won’t come back.
If your companion is suffering from anxiety problems or separation anxiety, make sure you’re finding ways to manage it.
Some breeds are naturally more prone to barking than others. It’s in their DNA.
Some breeds who tend to talk more are beagles, german shepherds, and chihuahuas. Of course, dogs are still individuals and some breed characteristics don’t always apply as much. I had a beagle who really didn’t talk much, for example.
If you have one of these breeds, you may need extra patience and training to teach them to be quiet when needed.
Too Much Energy
If your companion isn’t getting enough exercise, they may be more hyper and may struggle to settle down. They may yap more out of boredom or excitement.
If your pup’s yapping is accompanied by running around or acting hyper, they may need more exercise. They may need longer walks or brain games to help wear them out. Puppies especially may have more energy to burn.
You want to make sure your pup is nice and tired out at the end of each day so they aren’t keeping you up at night running around or yapping.
Certain breeds are more prone to barking than others. These breeds may require more training than others to keep quiet.
Territorial Barking
Some dogs are very protective of their home. They consider it their territory. If they feel it’s threatened, they may bark to assert dominance and tell everyone in the area that the home is theirs.
When someone my dog doesn’t know comes into the house, she gets upset and yaps constantly. No matter how many minutes go by, she does not get tired of letting the person know she’s not happy about them being there.
Once this behavior becomes a habit, it is very hard to stop. Your pup will get into the habit of yapping until any person or animal they feel is a threat is gone. They can keep it going for as long as they’re physically capable of.
It’s important that the owner is able to control their companion and calm them when needed. You don’t want your dog being too aggressive over territory.
Make sure your companion is as socialized as possible to accept strangers near or in your home with your permission.
Rewarding Behavior
If your dog’s excessive yapping is getting to you, it’s important to make sure you’re not rewarding the behavior. If you reward them by giving them what they want, they’ll quickly learn to yap over every little thing to get what they want.
My dog is now in the habit of calling for me any time she wants my attention. She calls for me to come in and play with her all the time. Trust me, you don’t want that to happen to you too.
If you give in to your furbaby’s demands when they yap, they’ll learn to yap at you whenever they want something. Try to avoid unintentionally rewarding the behavior.
That said, don’t ignore your companion if there’s an actual problem. Listen to the sound of their voice. If it sounds distressed or pained, look in on them and make sure nothing’s wrong.
Do reward your pup for good behavior. In this case, reward them when they hush on command or even praise them for just sitting quietly. It sends the message that you like quiet behavior and that they’re more likely to get rewarded for it.
Listening to Your Dog’s Barks
Learn the different sounds your dog makes and how to know when they’re talking to talk and when they need something.
A higher-pitched noise can mean they’re having fun or that they’re lonely and want attention. Lower-pitched noises are usually more serious, as that means your pup feels threatened and is trying to fend off intruders.
If your pup’s in pain, their calls may sound more like high-pitched yelps. If their calls are more high-pitched, you may want to check and make sure they aren’t in pain.
Pay attention to the number of barks. The more calls they make in a row, the more worked up they are. A single yap may mean they’re annoyed or surprised or want your attention.
My dog does a single yap every minute or so when she’s annoyed at me for leaving.
Dogs make different calls depending on the situation. Pay attention to the pitch and number of barks and try to understand what your companion is actually trying to communicate.
How Do You Stop Your Dog From Barking Excessively?
Ensuring your dog is properly exercised and has plenty to do can help keep him from barking excessively.
While barking is a normal behavior in dogs, we now know that excessive or constant barking can lead to pain or damage to your dog’s vocal cords and throat if left unchecked. And since we now know that the answer to do dogs get tired of barking is a likely no, it’s important to know how to manage your dog’s barking to keep him from not only driving you nuts but also from harming himself.
Below are a few tips and tricks you can use to help stop your dog from barking:
Continue To Work On Training With Your Dog
Training should be an ongoing practice with any dog, regardless of how old your dog is or how well-trained your dog is. Even the best-trained dogs can begin to show behavioral issues if their training is not kept up.
Make sure you use positive reinforcement training techniques like treats and praise to help reinforce good behaviors in your dog and practice the basics with your dog daily. You can also introduce new cues to your training techniques to help keep your dog mentally stimulated. Doing this can help reduce boredom in your dog and further help reduce excessive barking.
Along with keeping up with routine training techniques, consider teaching your dog when to speak and stop speaking. You can use cue words like “speak” or “bark”, and then use words like “quiet” or “stop” when it comes time for them to stop barking.
Teaching your dog when to bark and when to stop barking on command is more than just an impressive trick to show off to friends at house parties. In fact, this is a very effective tool you can use when it comes to stopping your dog from barking excessively in general.
Keep Up With Daily Exercise
Make sure your dog is properly exercised. If your dog tends to bark most when he is home alone, this could be because he is bored, anxious, or overstimulated by his surroundings. You can help prevent excessive barking by ensuring your dog is properly exercised before you leave him alone for long periods of time.
Avoid Using Aversive Training Method Or Punishment For Barking
Most experts advise dog owners to avoid using aversive training techniques like punishment or fear to stop their dogs from barking. It’s also important to avoid using aversive training gear like bark collars to reduce barking. These types of methods can actually do more harm than good when it comes to your dog’s barking, and some of these products can even harm your dog physically.
If you have tried the above methods to help stop your dog from barking and he is still going strong, it is best to contact your veterinarian and have your dog seen to ensure there is not an underlying medical issue that is making you ask the question “do dogs get tired of barking?”.
Products That Can Help Reduce Barking In Your Dog
Most experts advise against bark collars, but there are other products you can use to safely discourage barking.
So, you’ve asked the question “do dogs get tired of barking” and we now know that dogs really do not. The good news is that there are plenty of products on the market for you to invest in that can help you manage excessive barking in your dog.
Below are some of our favorites.
Kseroo Dog Chew Toy For Aggressive Chewers
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Kseroo Dog Chew Toy For Aggressive Chewers is a specially designed chew toy for dogs that tend to chew aggressively. This makes it a great chew toy for dogs left home alone who tend to bark out of boredom.
The toy won’t break down as quickly as others, so it can help to keep your dog safely occupied for hours. We like that this chew toy is also available in three different size varieties including extra small, small, and large.
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The KONG toy is a famous dog toy that is a staple for any dog’s toy box and has been around for more than 30 years. It was originally designed as a “treat dispenser”, but it has since become popular with pet owners because of its versatility and because it can be used to redirect behavior like barking and chewing.
We also like the KONG because it is extremely durable, which makes it one of the best toys for dogs who like to chew excessively. You can also order it in softer rubber varieties for small dogs and teething puppies.
Pet Corrector Air Canister
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Most experts don’t recommend using aversive training tactics to stop a dog from barking, and the above Pet Corrector Air Canister may be somewhat controversial in that aspect. With that said, this canister does not harm your dog in any way.
However, it does release a quick hiss of air that is designed to startle your dog into silence, stopping them from barking excessively in your presence.
This is likely not a long-term solution, as your dog may eventually learn just not to bark in your presence or in the presence of this canister. However, you can use the canister in severe situations and in conjunction with training methods and other tactics to stop your dog from barking that we listed above.
Your Dog And His Bark – Let’s Sum It Up!
Even though barking is a natural behavior for dogs, it can be cause for concern for some owners.
Jen Jones is a professional dog trainer and behavior specialist with more than 25 years of experience. As the founder of ‘Your Dog Advisor’ and the ‘Canine Connection’ rehabilitation center, she applies a holistic, empathetic approach, aiming to address root causes rather than merely treating symptoms.
Well known for her intuitive and compassionate approach, Jen adopts scientifically-proven, reward-based methods, encouraging positive reinforcement over punishment. Jen specializes in obedience training, behavior modification, and puppy socialization. Her innovative methods, particularly in addressing anxiety and aggression issues, have been widely recognized. Jen has worked with many of the world’s leading dog behaviorists and in her free time volunteers with local animal shelters and rescue groups.