How to Get Rid of Dog Bad Breath – 7 Practical Tips

Dog bad breath can be a major cause of headaches as a dog owner. Our dog is known for many memorable attributes – his charming personality, his cute looks, his lopsided grin, and his earthquake-inducing snoring. But one much less charming thing is his bad breath. In fact we often joke that the US Army …

6 Things To Remember When Travelling With Your Dog

My wife and I consider our dog, Schlumpf, to be a substitute for the human children we will never have. That means that wherever we go, Schlumpf goes too. We don’t believe in going away on holiday and leaving the dog in a kennel. Whenever we go somewhere on holiday – whether it’s somewhere here …

Why Does My Dog Lick Me? 6 Reasons Why

Ever since my wife and I became dog owners I have been wondering: why does my dog lick me? When my wife and I got our Maltese puppy, Schlumpf, back in 2013, he couldn’t stop licking me. At the time, I was overwhelmed to be a first-time dog owner, and since Schlumpf is primarily a …