How To Sell a Dog – Detailed Guide

If you are wondering how to sell a dog, it can be a challenging task. Consider many things before deciding to give up on your furry friend. This detailed guide explains how to sell a dog, and it covers everything from finding an appropriate marketplace to getting your pooch before the sale and what to expect before making the sale.

You’ll have to overcome many obstacles before you can find a buyer. You need a lot of good information and some patience, but selling a dog at a good price is possible.

In this blog post, we will share all the steps and techniques to sell a dog.

1. young pup at the beach

Selling a dog at a good price requires good information and patience.


How to Sell a Dog on an Online Marketplace?

Whether you’re looking for information on how to sell a dog because you can no longer care for it or because you’re moving and can’t take it with you, online marketplaces can offer a simple, convenient and effective solution.

One of the biggest advantages of selling your dog online is the reach and exposure it provides. Online marketplaces like PuppySpot and PuppyFinder have millions of users and are seen by millions worldwide. This means that your pet has the potential to reach a much wider audience than if you were to try and sell a dog locally.

Another benefit of selling your dog on an online marketplace is the ease of the process. All you need to do is:

  • Create a listing for your pet.
  • Complete with photos, a description, and a price.

You can also answer potential buyers’ questions and communicate with them directly through the marketplace’s messaging system. This makes the selling process simple and straightforward, without complicated negotiations or face-to-face interactions.

Finally, selling your dog on an online marketplace can be a cost-effective solution. In most cases, the only costs involved are those associated with listing the pet and any shipping fees.

So If you’re wondering how to sell a dog without incurring additional costs, an online marketplace is much less expensive than hiring an animal broker, advertising in a pet magazine or paying for a classified ad in your local newspaper.

Popular Online Marketplaces

How to Sell a Dog Using Flyers?

If you’re wondering how to sell a dog, post flyers near pet stores and shopping malls. Pet stores are a hub of pet owners and potential dog buyers, so you’ll likely get some interested individuals who want to learn more about your dog.

You can also post flyers near shopping malls because they are bustling areas with high foot traffic, and your flyer will be seen by many people who may be interested in buying a dog. Malls are also known for having pet stores and pet supply shops, so you can target the right audience by posting your flyers near these stores.

Creating Flyers to Sell Your Dog

When creating your flyers, it’s important to make them attractive and eye-catching. This means using high-quality images of your dog and making sure the information you include is easy to read and informative. Your flyer should also have your contact information, including your phone number and email, so that interested individuals can easily reach out to you.

Finally, it’s also important to follow all the local laws and regulations when selling a dog. Ensure you know any requirements or restrictions in your area before posting your flyers.

How to Sell a Dog Using Social Media Sites?

Social media has become a powerful tool If you are looking for how to sell a dog. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great for reaching a large audience and connecting with potential buyers.

Create a Profile for Your Pet

The first step in selling a dog on social media is to create a profile for your pet. This can include information about their:

You can also post photos and videos that showcase their unique traits and playful demeanor.

Once your profile is up, start sharing it on your social media accounts and with dog-related groups and pages. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase the chances of finding a buyer.

Use Appropriate Hashtags to Attract More Buyers

Another great way to get more eyes on your dog and to figure out how to sell a dog is to use hashtags. For example, hashtags like #dogforsale, #doglover, and #dogsofinstagram will help your posts reach dog lovers interested in your pet.

When selling a dog on social media, it’s important to be honest, and transparent about its health and history. This will help you build trust with potential buyers and avoid any potential legal issues. You should also be prepared to answer questions from potential buyers and be willing to provide additional photos or videos of your pet if requested.

How to Sell a Dog? Step-by-Step Guide

Selling a dog can be a difficult decision, but if you have made up your mind, it’s important to do it responsibly and ethically.

1. Sell a Dog by Describing its Features?

If you want to sell a dog, the first step is to describe the dog’s features in detail. This will help potential buyers better understand the dog’s personality, behavior, and overall appearance. When describing your dog, consider the following points:


Specify the breed of the dog. This will help potential buyers understand the dog’s size, weight, and appearance.


Mention the dog’s age and whether it is an adult or a puppy. This will give the potential buyer an idea of the dog’s energy level and training requirements.


Describe the dog’s coat color, texture, and length. This information is important for potential buyers with allergies or looking for a specific appearance.


Mention the dog’s height, weight, and overall body type. This will give potential buyers a better idea of how much space the dog will need in their home.


Describe the dog’s personality, including its energy level, sociability, and playfulness. This information is important for potential buyers who are looking for a specific type of dog to match their lifestyle.


Mention the dog’s training status, including whether it is house-trained, crate-trained, or obedience-trained. This information is important for potential buyers who are looking for a dog that will fit easily into their lifestyle.


Provide information on the dog’s health, including any medical conditions, vaccinations, and treatments. This information is important for potential buyers who are looking for a healthy and well-cared-for dog.

2. dogs playing
Please provide any medical information, vaccinations, or treatments regarding your dog’s health. Potential buyers who are looking for a healthy, well-cared-for dog should know this information.

2. Selling a Dog by Posting Pictures

Once you have decided to sell your dog, the second step is to post its picture and important related documents. This step is crucial as it helps to attract potential buyers and gives them a visual idea of what your dog looks like.

Additionally, posting important documents related to your dog will give buyers peace of mind and help to build trust.

When posting your dog’s picture, make sure it is a clear and well-lit image. Try to capture the dog’s personality and show off its best features. If you have multiple pictures, it’s always a good idea to post them all so that buyers can get a full picture of what your dog looks like.

Along with the picture, it’s essential to post important documents related to your dog. This can include

  • The dog’s registration papers,
  • Health records,
  • And any other relevant information.

That will not only give buyers peace of mind but also help you to prove that your dog is healthy, registered and up-to-date on its vaccinations.

3. Charging a Reasonable Price

This is an important step because it sets the value of the dog and determines what the buyer is willing to pay for it. When setting the price, consider the:

  • Breed,
  • Age,
  • Size,
  • And overall health of the dog.

You should also research the prices of similar dogs in your area to ensure that your price is competitive.

It’s important to remember that the price should not be too high, as this may discourage potential buyers. On the other hand, if the price is too low, the buyer may suspect something is wrong with the dog.

One tip is to offer a flexible price range, allowing the buyer to negotiate if they feel that the original price is too high. This shows that you are willing to work with the buyer and can help to close the deal.

In addition, be open to negotiating on the price if the buyer is not satisfied with the original offer. It’s important to be transparent about the reasons for the price and to be willing to listen to the buyer’s concerns.

4. Transfer Your Dog to its New Home

In this step, the new owner will be able to see the dog in its new environment and how it interacts with them and its family. It is important to ensure that the dog is comfortable with its new surroundings and that the new owner is comfortable with the dog.

To ensure a smooth transition, bring along any important documents such as:

  • The dog’s health records,
  • Vaccination records,
  • And any other important information about the dog.

It is also a good idea to provide the new owner with a food and toy sample so that they can continue the dog’s routine and prevent any sudden changes that could potentially cause stress for the dog.

  • When you arrive at the new home, take some time to show the new owner around and help the dog become familiar with its new surroundings.
  • Make sure to show them how to interact with the dog and provide it with food, water and exercise.

If there are any special instructions or tips you have learned over time, share this information with the new owner so that they can get the most out of their new pet.

Finally, ensuring that the new owner is committed to providing the dog with a safe and loving environment is important. If you feel comfortable, you can arrange a follow-up visit to check in on the dog and ensure everything is going well.

5. Signing the Contract

The last step in selling your dog is signing a contract that transfers the ownership from you to the buyer. Selling a dog can be difficult and emotional, but having a well-written contract can help ensure that both parties are protected, and the transition goes smoothly.

This contract should include all of the terms and conditions of the sale, including

  • The price,
  • Any specific agreements about the dog’s care and behaviour,
  • And the date of transfer of ownership.

It is important to have a contract in writing to protect both you and the buyer in case of any future disputes.

Before signing the contract, review it thoroughly and make any necessary changes. If you are unsure about any terms or conditions, consult a legal professional.

Once both parties have signed the contract, it is time to transfer your dog’s ownership to the buyer. This may involve providing the buyer with any necessary documentation, such as:

  • A certificate of vaccination,
  • Or a copy of the dog’s medical records.

You may also need to provide the buyer with any accessories, toys, or other items in the sale.

How to Sell a Dog If You Can’t Attract Potential Buyers?

If you cannot sell a dog, there are a number of options available to you. One of the most meaningful and impactful ways to give a dog a new lease on life is by donating it. This can be a difficult decision, but it can also be a very rewarding experience for both you and the dog.

Local Shelters

The first step in donating a dog is to research local shelters and rescues. These organisations are typically staffed by volunteers dedicated to finding homes for dogs in need. Contact the shelter or rescue and tell them about the dog you want to donate. They will usually ask you for information about the dog, including its:

  • Age,
  • Breed,
  • And any medical conditions.

Prepare the Dog For its New Home

Once you have found a shelter or rescue willing to take in your dog, it is vital to prepare the dog for its new home. This may include updating its vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and providing it with any necessary medical treatments. It is also important to ensure the dog is socialized and well-behaved.

Finally, when it is time to bring the dog to its new home, it is important to be patient and understanding. The transition to a new home can be stressful for dogs, and it may take some time to get used to their new surroundings. However, with love, patience, and a little time, your dog can make a successful transition to its new home.

How to Sell a Dog You Adopted From a Donation Centre?

If you cannot keep the dog you adopted from a donation centre, the first thing you should consider is returning the dog to the centre. This is the most ethical and responsible solution, as it ensures that the dog is given a second chance to find a loving and permanent home.

The adoption centre is likely to have a policy for accepting dogs back into their care, so be sure to contact them and discuss your situation. They can advise you on the next steps and assist you with the return process.

When you return the dog to the centre, provide them with all the necessary information about the dog’s background, personality, and health issues. This will help the centre find the right match for the dog and ensure they have the best chance of finding a new home.

Sometimes, the centre may ask you to make a small donation to help cover the cost of caring for the dog while they search for a new home. This is not always the case, but it is important to be prepared to contribute if asked.

Returning the dog to the adoption centre may not be the easiest option, but it is right. You can take comfort in the fact that you are doing the right thing by giving the dog another chance to find a happy and loving home.

A Few Important Things to Consider

Figuring out how to sell a dog can be a complex process, and there are several important things you need to consider. However, one of the most crucial elements of selling a dog is ensuring that the dog has a proper identification number. This number can come as a microchip number, an organization number, or a breeder identification number.

A Microchip Number

A microchip number is a unique identifier implanted under the dog’s skin. This tiny chip contains a number associated with the dog’s owner’s contact information. If the dog is lost or stolen, the microchip can be scanned to retrieve the owner’s information and reunite the dog with its rightful owner.

An Organization Number

An organization number is often assigned by a recognized dog registry or breed club. This number serves as a record of the dog’s lineage, including its parents and other ancestors. This information can be important for breeding purposes and determining the dog’s eligibility for various events and competitions.

Breeder Identification Number

Finally, a breeder identification number is a number assigned by the breeder to each litter they produce. This number allows the breeder to track their dogs and ensure they are properly registered.

Additionally, a breeder identification number can help establish the authenticity of the dog and its origin.

Situations in Which Dog Selling is illegal

Dog selling is a common practice, but it’s important to note that certain situations are illegal. These situations are put in place to protect the welfare of dogs and ensure that they are not subjected to cruel or abusive conditions. Here are a few situations in which dog selling is illegal.

Underage Puppies

If you are willing to sell your dog, It should be at least eight weeks old before you put it on sale.

Puppy Mills

Puppy mills are mass breeding facilities prioritising profit over the dogs’ well-being. The dogs are kept in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions and often not provided proper veterinary care. In many countries, selling dogs from puppy mills is illegal, as it is considered animal cruelty.

Selling Sick Dogs

Selling a sick dog without disclosing the animal’s medical condition to the buyer is illegal. Doing so is considered fraud and can result in legal consequences for the seller.

Selling Stolen Dogs

The sale of stolen dogs is illegal, as it violates property rights. If you suspect that a dog being sold is stolen, you should contact the authorities immediately.

Misrepresenting a Dog’s Breed:

It is illegal to sell a dog as a purebred when it is not. This is a form of consumer fraud. Misrepresenting a dog’s breed can also lead to health and behavior problems, as the buyer may not be prepared for the characteristics and needs of the actual breed of the dog.

3. pup lying on the bench
Misrepresenting a dog’s breed can also lead to health and behavior issues since the buyer may not be aware of the actual dog’s characteristics and needs.


In conclusion, If you are wondering how to sell a dog, It may seem like a simple task, but it requires patience, dedication, and love for the animal. It is important to remember that a dog is not just a possession but a living being with unique features and personalities that can bring joy to its new owner. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and responsible transfer of ownership.

From describing the breed, age, sex, and personality to posting a picture, copying important documents, and charging a fair price, you can attract the right buyer. And by placing the advertisement, writing your contact information, and taking the dog to its new home, you can ensure that the dog finds its forever home. So, whether you are a seasoned dog seller or a first-timer looking for how to sell a dog, let these steps guide you as you embark on this journey. Happy selling!

1 How To Sell a Dog Detailed Guide
2 How To Sell a Dog Detailed Guide