Puggle Breed Information – 13 Things to Know

Small, playful, intelligent, and adorable, what’s not to love about a Puggle? This Pug and Beagle hybrid is one of the best family dogs available to you if you don’t want to get a big dog. With a sweet and affectionate personality, the Puggle lives up to its reputation of being a perfect companion to dog owners whether you’re a novice or an expert. But like all breeds of dogs, Puggles have their own unique traits that make them what they are. So before you start looking for local pug beagle mix breeders, here are some things you should know.

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Puggle playing in Dandelions


1) Puggle Basic Breed Information

  • Mixed Breed: Pug Beagle Mix Dog Breed
  • Height: 13 inches to 16 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight: 18-35 lbs
  • Life Span: 10-15 years old
  • Health Issues / Health Problems: With the genetics of two breeds, a Puggle’s health can be a luck of the draw situation.
  • Respiratory Malfunctions: Pugs tend to have more respiratory ailments and if a puppy inherited a shorter snout then they may experience some of the same problems. A typical non-threatening respiratory symptom sometimes found in this breed is ‘reverse sneezing.’
  • Hip Dysplasia: Another common health concern for the breed is hip dysplasia, which is a hereditary disease that often goes overlooked. With age, arthritis can occur in one or both of the hips affected by this condition.
  • Cherry Eye: Cherry Eye occurs when the third gland inside of a dogs eye bulges out. This is not as common and can be repaired through surgery.

2) The Puggle Comes in Different Colors

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Black and Tan Puggle named Beau

The most common colors are Tan and Fawn. Other colors include black, tan and black mix, or black and white mix.

3) The Puggle Has a Friendly Temperament

Puggles are very friendly and affectionate and make the best snuggle buddies. They are highly keen and protective of their owners when they sense danger. The Pug Beagle mix does extremely well with other animals when introduced at a young age, but an older dog will get along great with other animals too with consistent interactions. They are not known to be aggressive.

4) The Puggle is Great with Children

These cuties are very sensitive to their owners moods which makes them an ideal family dog. Always playful and wanting to please, this breed loves to be interacted with and will run off to play with your older kids but will also be gentle with your babies. But as with any and all family members, make sure to watch how they play with each other so nothing gets out of hand; you want your Puggle and your kids to have a good relationship.

5) They are Light Shedders

Unlike most breeds where no matter how many times you vacuum you will always find dog hair somewhere, Puggles shed minimal amount of hair with the exception of winter and springtime coat shedding. As long as you make sure to do even a light brush on your Beagle Pug mix dog every other week along with the occasional bath, there will be virtually no dog hair on your nice socks.

6) How much Exercise does your Puggle need?

Puggles have a moderate energy level so if you like to go running then this breed would not be the best choice as they prefer long steady walks rather than sprints. However, with proper training and buildup, they would be able to keep up with you as you round the block.

7) How difficult is it to train the Puggle?

While it is easy to train this breed basic skills such as potty training, sit, and lie down, the Puggle does tend to have a sense of adventure. Thanks to their Beagle heritage and instincts, they like to use their noses to search out new scents whenever they catch them. With the use of scent tracking games and training techniques (you can find some ideas here), you can use this ability to your advantage, particularly if you like to hunt. The drawback to this fun quirk, however, is that being able to take your dog out in public without a leash will never work. If they catch the scent of another animal, they will go and find it and leave you behind. The best training technique for this breed involves rewards. While there are some breeds that would be able to catch on to a command or an action quickly, a Puggle would need constant repetitive teaching for more advanced tricks. You can find a list of great dog training books available to you here.

8) Where can Your Puggle Live?

They function very well in apartments so long as they are properly exercised and stimulated. Chew toys are the best stimulants for this breed and you will want something tough so it can stand up to a Puggle’s chewing habits. Kong brand is one of the best options as they are designed for tough chewers. Though any dog would be overjoyed if you have your own yard for them to play in, this breed does have a tendency to dig and be an ‘escape artist.’ It’s not that they don’t love you, they just want to go find the rabbit they smelled earlier.

9) The Puggle is Bred a Specific Way

Being a cross of a Beagle and a Pug, the usual practice of creating these Pug Beagle puppies is through a Beagle mother and a Pug father. This is to ensure the safety of both dogs as a Puggle puppy is born twice the size of a pug puppy with litters averaging from 6-10 puppies.

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Puggle Puppy with more Pug looks

10) The Pug Beagle Mix is Considered a Designer Breed

Considering a Puggle’s parentage, they are not a recognized breed and do not have any breeding clubs. But due to their sweet nature and cute looks, they are a highly desirable dog to have. Some celebrities that own/have owned these little cuties include Jake Gyllenhaal, Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz, and Julianne Moore. They were at their peak of popularity from 2004-2007.

11) Puggles were an Experiment

Although it seems this breed is new and came to be in the early 2000s, they were actually first created in the 1980s by American Breeders that were looking to create a new breed of dog with the best of both worlds from Pugs and Beagles.

12) There are First and Second Generations of Puggles

First generation means the puppies came from a Beagle mother and a Pug father, which tends to have a luck of the draw outcome on each puppy’s appearance in regard to whether they look more like one breed or the other, also having an affect on each puppies’ health conditions. Second generations have Puggle parents and their looks usually even out to what this breed is supposed to look like with the lovable look of a Beagle and the short cuteness of a Pug.

13) How much does a Puggle Cost?

These dogs vary in price depending on your location, what generation they are, and who the Puggle breeder is. The most common Puggle puppies are first generation as most breeders tend to go for the less expensive Pug and Beagle to create them and their price ranges are on the low to medium range per puppy. Second generation puppies are bred by more experienced breeders and are a much hotter commodity, making them much more expensive.

While there are some dog breeds that have breeders available far and wide, finding a Puggle puppy may take a bit of search and travel. In conclusion, the popularity of this dog may have died down some, but that does not change the fact that they are adorable and great pets for dog lovers both new and experienced. So if you’re looking for a sweet, lovable, and not too large companion, then the Puggle is definitely for you.

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