Best Dog for Single Men

Although we tend to think of a dog as the perfect family pet, single people shouldn’t write off the idea of having a dog. There’s no reason that single men can’t experience the benefits of having a dog in their life just as much as a family, if not more!

However, taking on the responsibility of a dog as a single man is a big decision. It means thinking carefully about your lifestyle, living situation and personality, and choosing the right dog to compliment your single lifestyle. And who knows – that dog may even help you land a date!


How Having a Dog Benefits Single Men

It’s no secret that dogs are good for us. They’re good for our health, they keep us active and they even boost our immune system, according to Men’s Health. They support our mental health, teach us responsibility, and even encourage us to be more social.

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Single men can benefit from having a canine companion, maybe even more than families do!

Single men may appreciate these benefits even more than families with dogs do. Even if you love your single lifestyle, the companionship and love that your dog provides can help to keep loneliness and isolation at bay.

Making sure your beloved dog gets their daily walk keeps you active, and caring for a dog provides a sense of responsibility and purpose, which improves your self esteem.

Having a dog can even encourage you to socialize more. This can be helpful not only for single men looking to score a date (dogs do make great wingmen, after all), but also for anyone looking to expand their social circle or get to know a new city.

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Having a dog can encourage you to be more social. 

Dogs make a great buffer and conversation starter, so choosing locations and events where dogs are the focus can make it easier to connect with others if you’re not that comfortable meeting new people.

There are countless benefits to having a dog as a single man, but doing it alone does come with some challenges. It’s important to be prepared and plan ahead for how you’ll handle these challenges.

The Challenges of Being a Single Dog-Parent

Dogs are a big responsibility, even when you have a whole family to share the load. As a single man, all of the responsibility will rest on your shoulders. Being a single dog-parent can be incredibly rewarding, but it does come with some challenges.

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Being a single man with a dog can be a big commitment. Being able to take your dog to work, or work at home with them, can be a big help.

Commitment: As a single man with a dog, you must be 100% committed to your dog. Hopefully you have friends and family to rely on for help, and you can always hire a dog sitter when needed, but you’ll be responsible for making these decisions, coordinating help, and all of their day-to-day needs.

Time: Even the most low-maintenance dogs require a lot of time. Your schedule needs to revolve around their feedings, letting them out and taking them for walks. If you work long hours, live far from the office, or travel a lot for work, you may need to hire a dog sitter to check in on your dog when you can’t. If you don’t live close to a suitable place for walks, you’ll need to travel with them to a park or trails regularly.

Budget: Dogs are expensive – often more expensive than we expect! As a single man on one income, you’ll need to be doubly sure that you can afford both the day-to-day costs of having a dog, and any emergency expenses that may arise. If you have to hire a dog sitter frequently, that can significantly add to your costs.

Space: Single men typically have smaller homes than most families, and sharing a small space with a dog can be a challenge. Not only does your dog need enough space inside to be comfortable, but you’ll need to evaluate your outside spaces as well. If you don’t have a yard or suitable area to walk nearby, you’ll need to scope out nearby parks or trails for exercise.

Lifestyle: Before adding a dog to your life, think about how your dog will fit in to your current lifestyle. Will you be able to include your dog in your current social activities, or will you need to carve out time for your dog? Can you bring your dog to work with you, or work from home occasionally? Will you be able to travel with your dog? Knowing what challenges you’ll face beforehand helps you plan for how you’ll tackle them.

People: Adding a dog to your life is a long-term commitment. With any luck, you will have your dog for a long time, and while you may be single now, that might not always be the case. New people will enter your life, whether that’s roommates, new friends or romantic partners, and you’ll want your dog to be able to handle these changes. Think about what you hope your life will be like in 5-10 years, and keep that in the back of your mind as you consider adding a dog to your life.

Characteristics of the Best Dog Breeds for Single Men

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Finding the ideal dog for you as a single man means thinking about your lifestyle, living situation and personality.

As long as you are 100% committed to providing the care that your dog needs, any breed of dog can be a great companion for a single man. That said, there are some characteristics that make the challenges of single dog-parenting a little easier on single men looking for a dog:

Size: Larger dogs generally require more space, exercise and training, especially if you’re planning to be social with your dog. Small and medium-sized dogs can be easier to live with in small spaces or urban settings, and can be less intimidating and easier to control around people. It’s worth paying attention to gender, too – in some breeds the males get much bigger than the females do.

Maintenance: With a busy work and social life, the last thing you want to do is spend hours every week cleaning up after your dog and grooming them. Choosing a breed that is known for minimal shedding and drooling, or a breed with simple grooming needs can save you time and money as a single man with a dog.

Energy: If you live in a small space or urban setting, or work long hours away from home, the energy level of your dog will be important. Choosing a breed that is not overly energetic will make it easier for your dog to spend time alone, and easier for you to meet their needs with limited time and space.

Personality Matters

As a single man with a dog, you have the freedom to choose a dog whose personality compliments yours.

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Choose a dog that matches your personality and lifestyle.

If you’re an outgoing, social guy, choose a breed that is friendly and trainable so that you can include your dog in your activities. If you’re more of an introvert, look for a breed that is low-energy and snuggly so you can enjoy quiet time together. If you’re outdoorsy, you’ll want a breed with stamina and obedience.

This can work the opposite way, too! If you’re an introvert at heart, but want to get out more and meet new people, choosing a breed that requires socialization may force you to get out for walks and to the dog park, where you might meet other dog lovers.

Women find single men with dogs more attractive, so your dog can even be your wingman! A dog is a great conversation starter and buffer, and can make it much easier to strike up conversations with strangers – all great advantages when looking for a date! Even if you’re not in the market for a romantic relationship, a dog can be a great way to meet new people and get to know a new city or expand your social circle.

Consider Adoption

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Adoption saves lives, and is a rewarding way to add a canine companion to your single-guy lifestyle. 

Another thing to consider is whether to get a puppy or an older dog. Puppies are by far the most popular choice for families, but adopting an older dog can have many benefits, especially for single men.

Not only are you saving a life by adopting, but older dogs usually come fixed and houstrained, and don’t require any where near as much care and attention as a puppy does. You’ll still need to invest time in training them and maybe even undoing some bad habits, but an older dog can allow single men to skip some of the most expensive and time-consuming parts of having a dog.

An older dog may also fit more easily into your lifestyle, rather than having to change your lifestyle to accommodate a puppy.

The 11 Best Dog Breeds for Single Men

Although any breed can make a great dog for a single man as long as you’re committed to giving your dog what they need, there are some breeds that are ideally suited for single men:

#1: Lab

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Pros: Sociability, Stamina

Cons: Large size, Significant exercise requirements

Labs are one of the most popular dog breeds because of their friendliness and stamina. Single men in particular like Labs because they are great social dogs, and can keep up with an active lifestyle. And of course, friendly labs make great wingmen!

#2: Golden Retrievers

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Pros: Sociability, Stamina

Cons: Large size, Significant exercise requirements

Golden Retrievers are popular for many of the same reasons as labs. If you’re having a hard time deciding between these two winning breeds, check out this great article comparing the two.

#3: Boxer

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Pros: Medium size, Security

Cons: Training requirements, Exercise requirements

Boxers are a popular breed for singles and urban dweller due to their smaller size and watchdog abilities. They are extremely intelligent, which is why good training is so important, especially if you’re planning to socialize together. They also require frequent exercise to avoid problem behaviours.

#4: Bulldog

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Pros: Smaller size, Minimal exercise requirements

Cons: Stamina

Bulldogs make great apartment dogs for single men. Their smaller size means they require minimal exercise, but they do require lots of one-on-one play time. They also don’t have the stamina of larger breeds, but can be great companions for an urban lifestyle.

#5: Dalmatian

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Pros: Sociability, Stamina

Cons: Large size, Significant exercise requirements

Not only are they striking, but Dalmations make a great dog for an active, social single man. Dalmations love humans, but they can get quite large, which means good training is essential for socializing with them. They have great stamina, but they do require lots of space and exercise.

#6: Basset Hound

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Pros: Medium size, Minimal exercise requirements

Cons: Prone to weight issues

If your busy lifestyle will make it hard to provide enough exercise for a more demanding breed, a Basset Hound may be your ideal companion. Their medium size and lazy temperament make them the ideal dog for a single man with a busy schedule. You will need to prioritize good nutrition and regular exercise to keep them healthy, though.

#7: Greyhound

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Pros: Medium size, Stamina

Cons: Can be hard to train

Greyhounds just might be the ideal dog for single men – while they have the incredible stamina to keep up on the most demanding hike, they are actually pretty lazy and are content to lay on the couch all day while you’re at work. They can be quite stubborn so you’ll need to invest time in their training.

#8: Pug

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Pros: Small size, Sociability, Minimal exercise requirements

Cons: Stamina

If your lifestyle isn’t ideal for a larger dog, there are many smaller breeds that make great companions for single men. Pugs make great apartment dogs, and require minimal exercise which makes them easy to walk in the busiest neighbourhood. They don’t have the stamina of larger dogs, though.

#9: Miniature Pinscher

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Pros: Small size, Sociability, Minimal exercise requirements

Cons: Stamina

Miniature Pinschers are another small breed that make great companions for single men. Their small size makes them great for small, urban living situations, and their minimal exercise needs fit a busy lifestyle.

#10: Brittany Spaniel

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Pros: Medium Size, Stamina

Cons: Trainability

Brittany Spaniels make great companions for active, social single men. They have great stamina, love being outdoors and are great around people. They have lots of energy, though, and require lots of training to make good companions.

#11. Mixed-Breed!

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Pros: Save a life, Lower cost, Skip puppy phase

Cons: Unknowns

The truth is, any breed can make a good companion for a single man, as long as you choose a dog whose size and personality suits your lifestyle and living situation. Adopting a mixed-breed dog is a great way to save a life and add a canine companion to your life without supporting puppy mills. There are some unknowns when it comes to adopting a mixed breed, but that’s true of any dog, and the rewards more than make up for the risks.

The Best Dog Breeds for Single Men

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The best dog for you as a single man depends on your lifestyle, living situation and personality.

Making the decision to get a dog as a single man requires some careful thought and planning, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Dogs benefit their owners in many ways, and that’s especially true for single men. Dogs improve our physical and mental health, encourage us to be social, and improve our self esteem.

That said, being a single dog-parent has its challenges. Dogs are expensive and come with a huge time commitment, which is harder to manage as a single man. You’ll need to plan ahead for how you’ll deal with these challenges.

While any breed can make a good companion for a single man, there are certain characteristics to look for. Choose a dog that is an appropriate size for your space and lifestyle, that is low-maintenance and good with people, and that matches your personality.

A little planning ahead can ensure a lifetime of love and companionship for you and your dog.

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