Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? 20 Fruits and Vegetables Your Dog Can And Cannot Eat 

We all know dogs are family, but sometimes feeding them like they’re actually human family members can be dangerous. The good news is that there are some human foods that are perfectly safe to share with our four-legged friends.

If you’re asking yourself “can dogs eat strawberries”, the quick and short answer is yes. Strawberries can make a sweet and tasty treat for your dog in moderation.

They are packed full of nutrients that can also be beneficial to your dog’s health and vitality. Of course, that doesn’t mean all fruits and veggies are safe for your dog.

So, while the answer to can dogs eat strawberries is a yes, other types of human foods should be looked into a bit further.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about the types of fruits and veggies that are safe for your dog to consume, and which fruits and veggies Fido should stay away from.

Let’s get started!


Fruits And Veggies For Fido? Let’s Weigh The Pros and Cons

1 a dog eating fruit
Feeding your dog fruits and veggies could be good for them, but feeding them the wrong fruits and veggies could be dangerous.

As we discussed above, we have to be careful when considering which human foods are safe for our dogs and which are dangerous.

Many of us once assumed that dogs had resilient digestive systems and that they could withstand eating pretty much anything they got their paws on.

We know now that that’s absolutely not the case. Like humans, dogs can have very sensitive digestive systems and they can even suffer from food sensitivities and allergies. Furthermore, dogs have a very different digestive system than humans do.

They contain certain enzymes in their digestive tract that can help them digest particular foods that might make us sick, while they also lack certain enzymes that don’t allow them to metabolize other human foods.

One of the most common human foods we know that can be toxic to dogs is chocolate. But we also know that chocolate is full of sugar and other ingredients that may not be healthiest for humans to consume either.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables for Fido, deciphering which ones are safe and which ones are dangerous can be a bit more tricky.

Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes, but they should only eat strawberries in moderation. Furthermore, just because the answer to can dogs eat strawberries is a yes does not mean that dogs can eat all other types of fruits and vegetables.

We should also note here that there are pros and cons to feeding your dog human foods like vegetables.

For example, many fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can be quite healthy for your dog.

However, some fruits and vegetables can contain elements that can be harmful to dogs, causing devastating and sometimes even deadly effects.

When weighing these pros and cons and asking can dog eat strawberries, it’s important to remember a few factors:

Most Dogs Can Get All The Nutrients They Need From A Quality Dog Food

While some fruits and vegetables can be safe and even good for your dog to consume in moderation, it’s important to note that most dogs can have all of their nutritional needs met through the consumption of a high-quality dog food specified for their age, weight, and activity level.

For dogs with special dietary needs or medical issues, supplements specified for canine consumption can be added to their diet to help enhance and balance their nutritional needs.

If You Are Worried About Your Dog Lacking Something In His Diet, Consider Consulting With Your Veterinarian Or A Dietary Specialist

If you are concerned that your dog is lacking something in his daily diet, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian or a trusted dietary specialist that specializes in canine nutrition as opposed to trying to self-diagnose your dog or treat him yourself.

Feeding Your Dog Homemade Dog Food Has Its Pros and Cons

Although the answer to can dogs eat strawberries is yes, that doesn’t mean your dog can eat all kinds of human foods or even all forms of human foods. If you want to make your dog homemade dog food, it’s important to do plenty of research before creating a recipe that your dog will benefit from.

It’s also important to note that not all dog-safe foods are safe for dogs when they are cooked a certain way or when they are cooked with certain ingredients.

If You’re Not Sure If Your Dog Can Eat A Human Food, Just Say No

You’ve done your research and you know that the answer to can dogs eat strawberries is yes. But if you’re ever in doubt about a human food for Fido, it’s best to say no until you are sure.

We should also note here that just because some dogs can eat certain human fruits and vegetables, other dogs may not tolerate these types of human foods as well.

Before offering your dog any fruits and vegetables daily, it’s best to start off with small amounts to ensure your dog can tolerate them.

So, Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

2 a dog with strawberries
Dogs can eat strawberries and in fact, strawberries make great treats.

Can dogs eat strawberries? The short and sweet answer is yes. So, if your dog has just snagged a strawberry from your fruit bowl or salad dish, worry not.

Strawberries not only make sweet and tasty snacks for your dog, but they also have plenty of vitamins and nutrients your dog can benefit from in moderation.

The Benefits Of Strawberries For Your Dog

Strawberries contain tons of delightful vitamins that can help boost your dog’s immune system like vitamin C, B6, B1, and K. They also contain minerals that can help enhance your dog’s skin and coat health, including folic acid, iodine, potassium, and magnesium, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids.

If you’re looking for digestive support for your dog when researching “can dogs eat strawberries”, you’ll be happy to learn that strawberries are also loaded with a good amount of Fiber.

And for dogs with dental issues, strawberries contain an enzyme known to help whiten your dog’s teeth and freshen his breath! You can’t beat that!

The Dangers Of Strawberries For Your Dog

Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes, but it is only best to give dogs strawberries in moderation.

Strawberries are high in fiber, and while this can be good for dogs with digestive issues, too many strawberries can lead to digestive upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Furthermore, strawberries are high in sugar. Too many strawberries can lead to health issues in your dogs like obesity and diabetes.

There are also specific forms of strawberries you should avoid when looking into can dogs eat strawberries.

Remember, fresh is best when it comes to sharing fruits and vegetables with Fido, and the same goes with strawberries.

Avoid canned strawberries in a syrupy sauces, strawberry pie-filler, or artificial strawberry-flavored treats.

Instead, stick with fresh strawberries that you have purchased from the store or grown in your own garden. To be safe, make sure you have rinsed and cleaned strawberries to remove any residue or chemicals designed to keep pests away.

Common Uses For Strawberries

Not only can dogs eat strawberries, but we humans can use strawberries for a few different things when it comes to our dog’s health.

One of the most ingenious uses for strawberries when it comes to canine consumption is to use them as pill pockets.

When you remove the stem of a strawberry, you will often find a deep hole in the center of the fruit. This leaves room for medications or vitamins that your dog may otherwise be hesitant to eat.

You can also add small bits of strawberries to your dog’s daily diet for a nutritional boost, and you can offer your dog strawberries if he is mildly constipated.

5 Other Fruits Your Dog Can Eat

3 a dog eating a melon
Cantaloupes are safe for dogs to eat.

Not only can dogs eat strawberries, but they can also eat a variety of other tasty fruits you may already have in your kitchen.

Some of the best fruits for dogs, outside of strawberries, include apples, blueberries, cantaloupe, bananas, and cranberries. Of course, like strawberries, these fruits have their share of pros and cons.

Take a look.


The flesh of apples makes a delightful, juicy, and crunchy treat for your four-legged friend. Apples are also high in vitamins and nutrients your dog can benefit from, including vitamins A and C. Apples are another fruit that is high in fiber, which again can help enhance your dog’s digestion.

With all of that noted, keep in mind that the core of the apple and the apple seeds can be dangerous for your dog.

Apple seeds in particular contain cyanide, and while it is just a small amount, swallowing them can still be harmful to your dog. The apple core can also be a choking hazard to dogs. For this reason, avoid giving your dog an entire apple to chew on. Instead, give your dog slices of apple to ensure he gets all the benefits without the dangers of the core or seeds.


Blueberries are a wonderful source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and more for your four-legged friend. They can help boost your dog’s immune system, improve digestion, and even aid in skin and coat health.

However, just as when asking can dogs eat strawberries, remember that blueberries contain quite a bit of sugar. Too many blueberries in your dog’s diet can lead to obesity and other issues.

Furthermore, small dogs or dogs with dental issues or problems chewing may find that blueberries are a choking hazard. If you’re worried about your dog choking on blueberries, it’s best to cut them into smaller pieces before offering them to your dog.


Cantaloupe is a low-calorie, juicy and sweet melon that your dog could enjoy eating. This is an especially good treat to offer dogs who struggle with obesity, when given in moderation, of course.

The cantaloupe seeds are even safe for dogs to consume, though some sources point out that they are difficult to chew and could be a choking hazard for some smaller dogs.

Cantaloupe not only contains vitamins and minerals that your dog can benefit from but they are also packed with fiber and are a great source of water.

Of course, just as when you look into can dogs eat strawberries, remember that cantaloupes are best for dogs when given in moderation.


Many dogs love bananas because they are a tasty, sweet treat! Humans love sharing bananas with their dogs because of their many health benefits. Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, copper, biotin, and plenty of vitamins.

They are low in sodium and cholesterol, making them a heart-healthy snack for older dogs or dogs who struggle with obesity.

With all that noted, remember that bananas are especially high in sugar. As with all fruits on this list, avoid giving your dog an abundance of bananas. This fruit is best when given in moderation or when used in dog-safe baking recipes to make homemade dog treats.


Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes! And dogs can also eat cranberries as well. In fact, cranberries can be a helpful additive to dogs with bladder issues like chronic urinary tract infections.

Cranberries are also rich in antioxidants that can help prevent cancer and other types of disease. They can even help boost dental health by containing elements that help fight bacteria, tartar, and plaque buildup.

Not only can dogs eat strawberries, but dogs can also eat cranberries dried, fresh, or cooked, but you should avoid them canned. We also recommend only giving cranberries to your dog in moderation, as too many can lead to stomach issues and digestive upset.

5 Fruits Your Dog Should Stay Away From

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Grapes are some of the most toxic fruits you can give to your dog.

While the answer to can dogs eat strawberries and many other fruits is a yes, there are still some fruits that can be seriously dangerous for your four-legged friend.

The fruits you should keep your dog away from include fruits like avocados, cherries, grapes, tomatoes, and grapefruit.

All of these fruits can have serious consequences for dogs, and it’s important you avoid giving them to your dog or that you know what to do if your dog does happen to get a hold of one of these fruits.

Keep reading.


Avocados are a healthy and tasty treat to many humans, but dogs should stay away, according to most experts. While small amounts of avocado might be safe for your dog, most experts say that it’s best to just say no when it comes to this creamy fruit.

In fact, avocados contain a fungicidal toxin known as persin. Persin can have serious and sometimes even deadly consequences to animals. This fungicidal toxin is present in the avocado fruit, leaves, pit, and plant, and too much of it can be toxic to your dog.

If your dog does consume a small amount of avocado, chances are he will be fine. However, if your dog consumes quite a bit of avocado, it’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian.


Not only can dogs eat strawberries in moderation, but they can also eat the flesh of cherries. Yes, you read that right.

But then why are cherries in the no-go-zone list of fruits dogs should stay away from? The problem lies within the pit and leaves. Cherry pits and leaves contain cyanide, which can be dangerous and even deadly if consumed by your dog in large enough amounts.


Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes, but dogs cannot eat grapes.

Both grapes and raisins are extremely dangerous for dogs, though research is still looking into why exactly this is. Some experts theorize that grapes are dangerous to dogs due to the fact that dogs cannot properly metabolize tannins, flavonoids, and monosaccharides, all of which grapes contain.

Whatever the reason, grapes are known to be incredibly toxic to our four-legged friends and have been known to lead to kidney damage and even kidney failure.

Even just one grape can be dangerous for your dog, so it’s important to contact your veterinarian if your dog has consumed a grape.

Unripe Tomatoes

While ripe tomatoes can be consumed by dogs in very small amounts, unripe tomatoes and tomato plants can be toxic to dogs.

The problem lies with the amount of solanine present in the leaves, stems, and flesh of young tomatoes. If ingested in large enough amounts, solanine can lead to serious digestive problems in both dogs and cats.

The good news is that solanine poisoning is relatively rare. Still, if your dog has consumed an unripe tomato or parts of a tomato plant, it’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian for further instructions.


Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes. But can dogs eat grapefruit? No.

Grapefruit skin is especially toxic to dogs and should be kept away from our four-legged friends. However, the grapefruit flesh is not necessarily toxic to dogs, but the flesh of the grapefruit is quite acidic. This could lead to serious digestive upset in your dogs such as vomiting and diarrhea.

5 Vegetables Your Dog Can Eat

5 carrots
Dogs can eat carrots and a variety of other veggies.

When it comes to can dogs eat strawberries, it may come as no surprise that dogs would want to consume these juicy and tasty fruits. However, vegetables are often seen as less tasty than fruits, especially when it comes to the opinons of children.

You might be surprised to learn then that many dogs are big fans of vegetables. In fact, many vegetables are not only a tasty and healthy treat for dogs, but they can also have a number of health benefits.

Of course, just as when you’re looking into can dogs eat strawberries, remember that not all vegetables are safe for your furry family member to eat.

Below we have listed five veggies that are safe for dogs, and then we’ll discuss vegetables that are best to keep your pooch away from.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts for dogs? Yes! Not only can dogs eat strawberries but they can also enjoy some brussels sprouts from time to time.

In fact, brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants that can help improve your dog’s immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve your dog’s circulation. They are also loaded with healthy fiber that can help improve your dog’s digestive system. Last but not least, brussels sprouts are high in vitamins that can improve bone and joint health like vitamins C and K.

However, while brussels sprouts can be safe and even good for dogs in moderation, too many brussels sprouts can lead to gas and digestive problems. Avoid sharing brussels sprouts with your dog if he is prone to digestive upset or if he struggles with flatulence.

Green Beans

Plain green beans are not only safe for dogs but also highly beneficial. You can feed green beans to your dog cooked or fresh, just make sure they are rinsed and are free of any added ingredients like salt.

Avoid canned green beans, as canned fruits and vegetables often contain large amounts of added salt or sugar.

Green beans contain protein, calcium, and iron, which can all be beneficial to your dog. They are also a good source of vitamins C and K, which can help with bone and joint issues. Best of all, they are high in fiber and low in calories, so they can help improve digestion without causing weight gain.


Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes. Many dogs can also eat and love carrots. While carrots can be safe for dogs in moderation, remember that any type of fruit or veggie that contains sugar can lead to obesity in pets.

However, in small amounts, carrots make a healthy and crunchy snack. Carrots contain a good amount of fiber and beta-carotene, which helps promote your dog’s brain and eye health.


Not only can dogs eat strawberries, but they can also eat celery! Celery is a low calory treat that is an excellent alternative to traditional dog treats or other fruits or veggies, especially for dogs who struggle with obesity.

Celery is not only a tasty and crunchy treat that can freshen your dog’s breath, but it also contains vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, and magnesium, as well as folate that can help promote your dog’s skin and coat.


Like celery, broccoli is another low-calorie snack that dogs can enjoy. Broccoli is safe for dogs to eat in all its forms including cooked, boiled, or fresh. However, and as with most fruits and vegetables, we suggest avoiding canned broccoli or cooked broccoli that contains any added spices or ingredients.

Broccoli is high in fiber and vitamin C. It can help improve digestive health when given in moderation, although if too much broccoli is consumed it can lead to digestive upset in your pup.

5 Vegitalbes your Dog Should Stay Away From

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Garlic is quite toxic to dogs and shouldn’t be shared with them.

While we know that the answer is yes to can dogs eat strawberries, the answer is a no to a lot of other fruits and vegetables. Some of the most dangerous vegetables that your dog should stay away from include mushrooms, onions, garlic, asparagus, and chives.


First on our list of vegetables your dog should stay away from is going to be asparagus. While asparagus is not necessarily toxic to dogs, it can be difficult on your dog’s digestive system and stomach. Asparagus is also a tough vegetable that can be difficult for dogs to chew, which could lead to it being a choking hazard.

If your dog does eat asparagus, it’s likely he will be fine. However, because it can be a choking hazard and because it can be difficult on your dog’s stomach, most experts recommend you simply keep it away from your four-legged friend.


While not all mushrooms are dangerous for dogs, many are. Because it can be difficult to decipher between the safe mushrooms and the toxic ones for dogs, most experts recommend we just avoid giving our dogs mushrooms at all.

Mushrooms can cause liver and kidney failure, as well as a number of other health issues that can be devastating and even deadly to your dog. If you know your dog has eaten a mushroom, and especially if your dog has eaten a wild mushroom, it’s important to get your dog to an emergency veterinarian as soon as possible.


Onions are quite toxic to dogs, and this includes all parts of the onion in question. No matter how the onion is cooked, it can be harmful to your pup, so avoid sharing any onions with your dog whatsoever.

Onions are dangerous because they contain a toxin known as N-propyl disulfide. This toxin causes damage to the red blood cells in your dog, which can be seriously devastating.


Garlic also contains N-propyl disulfide, the toxic compound that makes onions so dangerous to dogs. When consumed in small amounts, garlic is not likely to kill dogs. However, if garlic is eaten in large amounts it can be devastating and even deadly to your dog.


Chives are another vegetable in the allium family that contains N-prolyl disulfide. As such, chives should be avoided at all costs when it comes to your dog’s daily diet.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? A Complete List Of Fruits And Veggies Your Dog Can And Cannot Eat

7 a strawberry patch
It’s a yes for can dogs eat strawberries, but there are plenty of foods they should also stay away from.

Yes, we know the answer to can dogs eat strawberries is yes, but we also know there is a long list of fruits and vegetables your dog should stay away from.

Before you go about sharing human foods with Fido, it’s important to do plenty of research and find out which human foods are safe and which are unsafe for your dog.

Remember, while some human foods can be consumed by dogs, forms of that same human food could be dangerous.

For example, not only can dogs eat strawberries but they can also eat cranberries and apples. However, strawberries, apples, and cranberries that are canned or made as pie filler should not be given to your dog.

As we said above, fresh is best when considering can dog eat strawberries or any other types of fruit or vegetable.

And with all that noted, let’s take a look now at some of the safest fruits and vegetables you can share with your dog, and some of the fruits and vegetables you should steer clear of.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Yes. Your Dog Can Also Eat:

  • Apples
  • Bell Peppers
  • Blackberries
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cantaloupe
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Coconut
  • Cucumber
  • Cranberries
  • Lettuce
  • Mangos
  • Green Beans
  • Oranges
  • Nectarines
  • Potatoes
  • Raspberries
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • And Pineapple

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Yes, But Your Dog Should Not Eat:

  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Chives
  • Plums
  • And tomatoes

Remember, while many dog-safe fruits and vegetables make a tasty treat or snack for Fido, it’s best to only give these foods to your dog in moderation. Many fruits and vegetables are high in sugar, so share them with your dog in small amounts and contact your veterinarian if you fear your dog has consumed one of the potentially dangerous fruits or vegetables on our above list.

We hope this has been a helpful guide on can dogs eat strawberries! Now we want to hear your thoughts. Did you know you could use fresh strawberries as a pill pocket for your dog?

Share your opinions with us on can dogs eat strawberries below. Thanks for reading!

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